Getting back into YouTube..

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I've currently been living in Los Angeles for three weeks now and it couldn't be any better. Danis starting to grow up quickly even though she's only five weeks old. Each day she looks more and more like Luke because she has large brown eyes and brown hair, she also has very tan skin. Jacob and I have been doing well and I couldn't be happier with him

"Isabella, would you like to accept this offer?" The manager asked

"I would like to accept" I told them and sighed my contract

"We will call you with all the details and keep in touch" my manager told me

I stood up and started pushing Danis pram out the door into the elevator of the large building. Im so happy they offered me this opportunity because it's always been my dream.

Im so excited to be going on a world tour with a heap of well known singers and YouTubers. We are planning on going all around the world doing concerts, meet and greets and more fun things like that. Im so happy that I get to meet more of my fans and travel the world


"How'd you go a baby?" Jacob asked as I walked inside the house

"I got in, I'm going on tour" I squealed and ran into Jacobs arms

"I'm so proud of you Princess, I knew you would get it" Jacob told me and gave me a kiss

"Hey baby girl" Jacob cooed as he picked dani out of her pram

"Do you want me to give her a bottle or do you wanna?" I asked Jacob

"Nah, I'm happy to do it" Jacob offered and went into the kitchen to make her a bottle

I unpacked Danis pram and put everything away before going upstairs and taking a long, relaxing shower.

After getting out of the shower I got changed into some tracksuit pants and my Vidcon jumper, then I realized I hadn't made a YouTube video in months because of the breakup and being a mother. I quickly did my hair and makeup so I looked presentable enough to make a video and got my camera set up in my bedroom.

I quickly tweeted the hashtag #AskBella and waited for everyone to send me in questions. While I was waiting for everyone to tweet me, I went downstairs to see what Jacob was doing and if he minded watching dani for a while longer

"Babe, are you possibly able to watch dani for a while longer?" I asked as I watched them cuddled up in the lounge room watching Spongebob

"Yeah, we are all good here I think" Jacob said and looked down at dani who was sound asleep

"Okay well, I'm making a video so I'll be a while" I told Jacob and ran back upstairs

I looked at twitter on my phone and seen that #AskBella was trending number one in Australia and a lot of other places around the world. I found a few good tweets to get me started and got ready

"Hey Everyone" I said into the camera

"I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while but I've had lots going on such as being a mother and moving to Los Angeles"

"About ten minutes ago I trended #AskBella so for my first video back I'm going to be doing a question and answer video which I haven't done in ages, so let's get on with it"

"First question is from @Mileys_xxoxoox asking if I have any tattoos or piercings" I read out

"I have my firsts and seconds on both ears and my cartilage pierced on one ear, I also have my belly pierced and I'm planning on getting a few more piercings done but for tattoos I don't have any yet but I'm defiantly getting some soon" I said

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