Chapter 6

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We looked around for another person near us but nobody was around . We decided to egnore it . We emerged out of the tunnel but when I turned around his was wandering off back into the darkened path ."Phil what are you doing !?!" I cried
"Follow me "
He walked to a corner and amongst the shadows was a girl .she was holding a phone watching the lit up screen as video Dan done a sexy end screen dance. She looked up at Phil .with shock in her eyes .
"Y..y.your d..d..Dan and p...h..I.l"
"Guessing your a fan !"
"More than a fan "
" what are you doing here it's freezing " Phil asked sweetly

"I live here"
This is where I pushed in "What your parents let you .....just live here "
"Dan keep your nose out you can't demand life stories "
" it's ok my mother got cancer and when she passed my father became abusive towards me so I packed my stuff and left "
" OMG!!are you ok how long have you been here ,sorry what's your name ?"I asked concerned I could handle fully grown people on the street but not vulnerable teenagers
"I'm Brooklyn I've been living here for Three years "
I sat on the ground next to her and looked into her sad blue eyes ,they where like phil's so nice to get lost in .
"Wait a moment "I said tapping her shoulder
I stood up and stood next to Phil . I put my mouth next to his ear and whispered "Phil we need to help her ,you know we have been talking about adopting a kid for a while . Maybe we can help he get back on her feet and if we can look after her ,we could think about Actually adopting from a care home !"
".........I don't know ......what will we do about us ? .......home is the only escape we have "said Phil eyes full of questions .
"We could tell her . it would be a big step it might actually lead us to telling everyone "

I turned back around and looked into Brooklyn's blue eyes .
I took one deep breath " hey Brooklyn do you want to come and stay with us for a while.? we could help you get back on your feet ? And maybe help you find a real place to call home ?" I asked
"OMG !!!are you sure ?"she asked excitement running in her veins .
"Yeah corse"Phil screamed

I hugged her to my side and helped her up off the cobbled street .She got her bag and we  walked back home in silence . I occasionally looked at Brooklyn ,at her lit up face . We reached the apartment and climed Mount Everest to our door .

Phil unlocked the door  and  turned on the light .
"Welcome home " he said to Brooklyn

She ran inside and up the stairs looking through all of the doors  and saying wow every two seconds .
"So what are we gonna do tonight ?" I asked Phil
"Order a pizza whole Brooklyn has a shower and gets some pjs on ,she can borrow my  adventure I me ones until we can buy her some new ones , and tell her about us ..."Phil replied
"Sounds like a plan "

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