Chapter 26

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I just have been really busy ,also I'm going on holiday soon so I can write loads😜 and I would of updated earlier but my internet was broke for like 3 weeks so I couldn't update ok I'll stop now and get on with the story
SIANARA (is this my thing now just writing sianara at the end of my intros ???)

Word count: 1120

We woke up the next morning more excited than ever .The night before we had decided to tell Brooklyn about our plan .We sat on the couch the next morning until Brooklyn came into the room with a smile on her face and her brown hair pulled into a messy bun ,a face full of light makeup and dressed completely in her uniform .
"Good morning " she sang
"Good morning " Phil said squeezing my hand to reassure me .
"Hey Brooke' we have something to tell you "
"Sure what is it ?"
"You might wanna sit down for this "
She was silent .a unreadable look on her face .
"Ok....ummm...we have both decided to make this family a little bigger .....and we are going to be having another child in about a year "
"OMG THIS IS AMAZING IM SO EXCITED ....wait a year adoption takes about a month ?"
"Yeah....we're not adopting."
"Huh?" She questioned a confused look on her face
We handed her the phone and she read the same article I did the night before.
"This is"
"I reacted the same way " I laughed
"Have you decided about the surrogate yet?"she asked
"Well we wanted someone we knew who lived in London but we probably won't get any of our friends to grow a baby for us "
"LOVE YOOOOU TOOOO" Phil called after her laughing .
"She's right you know "I said
"About what ?"
"If any of our friends will do it for us "
"It's a big thing though ,having to grow someone else's child ....all that pain "
"Yeah I know but we have to find someone we trust even if it isn't someone we have known for a long time ,we still have to form a platonic bond with them ."
"Yeah I guess"

We sat on our laptops for many hours until one crazy idea came into my head .We had agreed it should be someone who lives in London , someone we like ,someone who we can be friends with or are already friends with .and for some apparent reason as I was scrolling through memes, a name came into,my head .A name of a person who was so kind and caring she might just say yes to this BONKERS Idea.


She was coming to visit later in the day but before she came I had to discus it with Phil.
"Yeah bear"
"What about Louise?"
"Would she say yes ?"
"I don't know but if she does it we would be closer to our dream ."
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask her "
"You sure"

At that moment a knock rattled our front door and Phil ran to answer .

"ALOHA BOYS" she squealed .
"Hi Lou' "I said hugging her "how you doing?"
"Louise have you drank much coffee today ?"
"That explains a lot " Phil said laughing
"Ummmm Louise "
"Yes honey "
"We have something to Ask of you ,it's kind of a big deal but you have to give us a honest answer " I stated
"Sure what is it "
"Well me and Dan have a plan and it's very scary but also a amazing opportunity for us to have a bigger better family .There is this treatment where we can mix mine and dans genetics to create a child with out features but we need a surrogate , someone we can trust to carry our baby and go through the trauma of birth and we thought about asking you . We understand is you say no but we just thought we would ask ."




"Guys I adore you with all my heart and I ....... Would love to help you out "
Phil's eyes lit up as he threw himself at Louise ,"OMG LOUISE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I CANT BELIEVE YOU AGREED TO THIS ,IM SO HAPPY , " he turned to me
"Dan we.... We're gonna have a baby....."
Then it was my turn to completely lose it and throw my entire body at Louise squeezing her as tight as I could while I whispered "thankyou " repeatedly into her ear .
"It's the least I could do could make you happy ,you helped me so much when me and Matt got divorced with looking after Darcy and she love you guys so much ."

"Wait ..." Phil said
"What's wrong ?" I asked
"How are we gonna explain to Darcy that you are having a baby that you aren't gonna Actually keep ?"
"I'll just tell her God has asked me to help give you a baby and hope and pray she doesn't get to attached "
"Well she can come and visit any time she wants , you wanna sort out payments and stuff cause you know like average costs of getting to and from hospital appointments and stuff and we've got to pay you cause your gonna be carrying our child ."Phil said kindly gripping onto my hand so tightly I could feel his heart beat pounding through his body.
" listen I'm doing this for free guys ,the treatments probably like twenty five grand anyway , and I won't take no for an answer ."
"You have to let us thank you in some way "
"You can buy me chocolate when I'm in hospital about to have the baby ,there's my payment "
"We will do that and how about we take care of Darcy once in a while "
"Ok then that's a deal ,and talking of Darcy I've gotta go pick her up from nursery soon I'll text you guys later "
"Ok well I'll come and lock the door behind you "
"Bye Phil "she called up the stairs .
"Thankyou so much for this Louise I can't put into words how much this means to us ....I love you ....we love you I'll call you to let you know when we are getting the treatment "
"It's ok honey anything for my cringe buddy love you guys to goodbye " she quickly hugged me then ran down e stairs and away .

I walked back upstairs to the sight of Phil happily sitting on the couch texting his mom and I knew that I wouldn't change my life for anything .

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