Chapter 23

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Im starting a new book soon full of Phan fluff oneshots I WILL STILL RIGHT IN THIS ONE .But i have made a schedule because I'm a nerd .
Monday -no Phanfic
Tuesday-no phanfic
Wednesday- this fic update
Thursday-no phanfic
Saturday-no phanfic
Sunday-this fic update 
This schedule will be starting next week cause as I'm writing this it's Thursday so it will take me a while to make this chapter . But just beware I am not a very punctual person ,also in a week in April and a week in July I am going on holiday with my grandma which means I won't have Internet for those two weeks .....I'm scared I will not survive but I can still write ,not update so when I get back from both of those vacations you will have LOADS of updates on one day .Also check out the movie 'the wind rises ' if you like my neighbor totoro it's made by the same director and it's really sweet and quite sad .good recommendation tho ,OK ILL STOP TYPING NOW AND LET YOU ENJOY THIS FIC
I woke up with the morning light hitting my face through the small gap in the curtains .
I looked at Phil who was still laying ,head placed on me ,completely silent .I held up my phone to my face and looked at the time . It was 9am we had a few hours before we had to get our plane to the mystery destination Phil has chose for us to escape on our honeymoon to  . Louise was going to bring brooklyn to the airport ready to get on the plane . When you think about it it wasn't really a honeymoon it was more of a family holiday but brook' was enormous part of our lives and we wanted to experience the joy together as a family .
Phil opened his limitless eyes and rubbed them sleepily .He looks like a cute baby lion when he arises from his slumber. He looked adorable ,as always , rubbing his eyes with his clenched up fists letting out tiny yawns as he did so . He really was my little lion .
"Morning sleepy head "I said kissing his cheek.
"Morning bear "he kissed back .
We lay there just thinking and talking for a while before we both arose from the bed to pack all of our things ready for our journey .


We had picked up Brooklyn from Louise's car outside the airport where now about to get on the plane .I was never nervous during flights but I think not having a clue where we where we where heading gave me a knot in my stomach .we boarded the plane with no trouble at all and sat at our family group of seats . As the plane began to fill up with passengers (great movie :p Jennifer Lawrence is queen) I lay my head on phil's shoulder.
"Philly ?" I sang , Brooklyn gazed  at us obviously knowing what I was going to ask ,keen on knowing herself .
"Yeah bear"
"Now can you tell me where we are going "
"You really wanna know "
"Yeah I don't wanna find out from the flight attendant "
"OH MY GOD"me and Brooklyn said in unison (I spent oven 5 minutes trying to work out how to spell simotainiously and that's even wrong so I went with something easier to spell)
We both dived ourselves into Phil's arms as best as we could sitting down in the seats .We stayed like that until we where raised high up into the sky and began our journey.Broklyn placed in her headphones and fell asleep within 10 minutes of the journey beginning .She placed her head on phil's other shoulder her auburn ringlets hanging around her face .Phil looked slightly tired his eyes beginning to redden with the strain of his eyelids pushing down trying to force the sleep upon him .
"Philly why are you so tired ? we went to sleep early yesterday ."
"You did "
"Want do you mean ?"
"I stayed awake watching you ,you look so cute when you sleep and I couldn't resist watching you, I'm sorry ."
"Don't be sorry Philly ,when your asleep I can't help but watch you ." I placed my hand under his chin and pulled him closer . I placed a small kiss on his lips ,smiling .
"Love you Danny "
"Love you Philly "
"Wanna watch a movie ?" He asked
"Sure but you choose"
"I always choose "
"Cause I want you to "
"Fine THE WIND RISES ." He said scrolling through his laptops pre download movies .
After a while Phil pushed my head onto his shoulder and rested his head in mine .He held my hand and we watched all the movies we could in the long plane ride .


We landed and collected out cases from the conveyer belt after being repeatedly checked by security due to the camera that was in my suitcase .
We stood outside the airport waiting for our escorts and looked up at the shining sun in the cloudless sky .
"DAN , PHIL, BROOKLYN  " a familiar voice called.
We turned and there was Duncan and memei  , hand in hand running towards us. They where one of the cutest couples we knew .
"Hi guys " Duncan said letting go of memei as she ran towards to Brooklyn and began talking in a mix of  Japanese and English . Brooklyn was working really hard to learn the language but it was so hard . She new more than me and Phil and she had only been practicing for about four months ,and me and Phil had been trying for just over 3 years .Her weekly Skype calls with memei did help though , she was a great tutor and me and phil where really proud of Brooklyn for working so hard .
They took us back to there apartment as the sun was about to set and we where all slightly jet lagged .
Me ,Phil and Duncan had a good conversation about the wedding and things like that .When we arrived back Brooklyn and memei  went to go and set up memeis video room for her to sleep in . Me and Phil where sleeping in  the office we pulled out the sofa bed and Said goodnight and thank you to memei and Duncan for letting us stay here while we where here for the second time . The minute mine and phil's heads hit the pillow we where out like a light .

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