‍‍ Chapter 9 ‍‍

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We went into town and started to look for clothes stores . We went into hottopic and picked up some band T-shirt's .Then we went began our trek through primark,Tokyo toys and whatever other geeky store we came across .phil was like a little kid running round showing Brooklyn all of the great geeky tshirts she could wear . But phil got the most exited when we reached a new shop we had never seen before .A whole store dedicated to marvel . We walked past it and blanked it completely ,then we heard "Immortals " playing and immediately walked back to investigate .When Phil saw the inside he got like a kid in a candy shop . "OH DAN PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CAN I GET THIS!!! " he shouted pointing to a Thor T-shirt .
"Sure "
Phil wasn't the only one speechless .Brooklyn was standing next to a wall full of big hero 6 merchandise .
"Go mental " I said in her ear
She grabbed hold of 5 T-shirts and then ran over to another wall and grabbed more things of shelves .I couldn't control Phil and Brooklyn at the same time and the shop assistants had never seen people so exited over a marshmallow like robot and a magical God who swings a hammer around . I pulled Phil away and followed Brooklyn .

We spent over an hour in there and when we came out we had spent £159 on merchandise .😬😬😬
I checked the time on my phone and realised ......

We where on air in less than ten minutes .And the station was the other side of the city .I grabbed the bags and showed the phone to Phil and he immediately knew. what I was talking about .He held onto Brooklyn and we ran through  the busy streets of London dodging  past business men and families shopping for Christmas and winter treats .

We reached the studio with one minute until we were meant to be on air .We threw our bags on a sofa and Brooklyn sat next to them laughing so hard tears were running down her face .We quickly gave each other a quick kiss on the cheek (everyone in the studio already knew about me and Phil )and put on our headphones and caught our breath .
Then our show began ...........

We answered all our questions of our fans and completed our Dan vs Phil challenge which was to play bukaroo which made me and Phil crap ourselves .Then We had a special request for a song about friendship .Before I started playing the song I looked Phil in the eyes and as I knew the viewers could not see under the table so I held his hand .
"This is a song i dedicate to you Phil "
He squeezed my hand as we said goodbye to the viewers on the Internet and turned off the camera .Brooklyn ran over to us and Phil hugged her tight .
"Guys that was amazing " she laughed
"Thanks "we gushed
We called a taxi and drove through the dark streets of London .
I had always found them beautiful that's one of the reasons we moved here .In the dead of night, in spite of the electric lights, London seems an alien city, especially if you are walking through it alone.

In the more sequestered streets – once the pubs are closed, and at a distance from the 24-hour convenience stores – the sodium gleam of the street lamps, or the flickering striplight from a sleepy minicab stand, offers little consolation. There are alleys and street corners and shop entrances where the darkness appears to collect in a solid mass. Night makes a weird sound of its own stillness .There are buildings, monuments and statues that, at a distance, and in the absence of people, pulsate mysteriously in the sepulchral light. There are foxes that slope and trot across the road as you interrupt their attempts to pillage scraps from upended bins.

And, from time to time, there are the faintly sinister silhouettes of other solitary individuals – as threatened by your presence, no doubt, as you are by theirs .
It is easy to feel disoriented in the city at the dead of night, especially if you are tired from roaming its distances, dreamily or desperately somnambulant. For in the ppdarkness, above all perhaps in familiar or routine places, everything acquires a subtly different form or volume.
I over everything about it .The most exiting thing was that we had a family .We had me and Phil and we had been talking about adopting a child for a long period of time .we had wanted a responsibility of somethings life .And when that child had grown up we could say "yeah we're proud of that " I was weird to say it but we had a Daughter .But I had always knew that one day we would have to let loose of the truth and it was only so long before the Phandom would start to investigate why we were walking around with a teenager buying her things ,and even though I wanted my heart to be set free and I wanted to tell them my brain was cot aiming thinking of all the horrible things that could happen ?

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