Chapter 5 ~ The dinner part 2

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Gabe POV
I was going to check on Arianna, but I stopped to a halt, when I saw her mother giving her a cut. Through the little peephole she left, not closing the door. She lets out a tear, suffering in agony.

Would you think I'd enjoy this? All the bullying I've done to her, makes me rethink about who I am and why I can't let go of the past, which has made me what I am today.

Her mother was coming, so I speedily went back to the dining room. Julian looked at me confused and I made a reassuring smile. She comes in and sat down with us.

Mel:"The food should be here, shortly."

A few minutes later, she arrived with the food and served it to us. I examined her face and I could tell that she's been crying.

Ari:"I hope you enjoy your dinner." She says and walks back into the kitchen.
Ju:"Why don't you join us, Arianna?"
She peeps her head out the door.
Ari:"I've got cleaning to do, sorry." She tries to smile.

Julian and I wanted to leave the boring conversation they were having about politics.
We took our food and enter the kitchen.

Arianna's POV
I ate my dinner on the floor, thinking how I am still surviving in this world. That's when I heard the door, to reveal Gabe and Julian. They approached me and sat down, one on each side.

Jul:"Arianna, is that really your mother? Cause she is so narcissistic."
Ari:"No she's not my mum, I don't really know what happened to my mum." I lied the second part of the sentence and played with my food.
G:"Change of subject, let's get to know you better."
Ari:"Erm ok, I love to do arts and crafts but really painting is my strongest point. Rihanna is my favourite singer. I hate some activities that get me active. I maybe random at times and I would like to try play musical instruments." I took a little breather.
Jul:"Ooo could we see some paintings or drawings?"
Ari:"Yeah sure, just follow me into the 'secret lair'."

We all go up stairs into my bedroom, I pulled down the stairs that lead to 'the lair' from the ceiling. They walked up before me and they were astonished I hope, at all the art work I've done since I was 8.

Jul:"These are amazing, you're really talented." He holds up the painting I did with the New York skyline."
Ari:"Aw thanks."
Jul:"It's ok, so do you know where I can find the toilet?"
Ari:"Down the hall, turn right.

I felt flattered as my cheeks turned into a dark shade of pink. Gabe seemed to be depressed, the drawing of my mum.

G:"This a beautiful picture of your mother, she looked like she had so much happiness. What happened to her?"

Should I really tell him?

Ari:"As I said earlier, I don't know what happened to her." I attempt to hide my eyes as they turned watery a little.

Gabe's POV
G:"When Julian and I were 8 , we were going to pickup mom from work with dad. We arrived but saw a catastrophic fire in front of us. We all ran out of the car.

•Time rewind•

D:"Kids wait here for me to come out." He panicks and runs in to find mum, so we waited.

G:"What if mum doesn't come back?"
Jul:"Mum will make it, Gabe." He puts his arm around my shoulder.

I felt scared and worried at what will happen. I hope mum and dad will be alright.

Then we saw dad carry her bridal style out of the fire. She seemed lifeless, please don't tell me it's true.

G:"Dad?" I could tell that he was heartbroken at how mum was. He gave us no response and dropped to the ground, still holding mum. Sobbing into her clothing, we could get the sign that she was dead.

I end up crying uncontrollable onto my brothers shoulder as we hugged.

•Back to reality•

G:"Few months later, all that depression converted into anger and so all these years I've been like this, that's when I turned to bullying."

Arianna's POV
His story was so upsetting, we both shed a tear together and he places down my drawing. I hugged him because, I get what he feels. Only, he didn't get a controlling step mother as the result. He hugs back in return and then let's go after a few minutes.

G:"You're the only person I've ever told this to, so please don't speak of this. Promise?

He wipes his tear from his cheek and then wipes my tear off my cheek, looking into my eyes. His gaze felt like the soft rain on petals and the sky was lightening after a storm.

My mind was telling me no but my heart is telling yes. So I followed my mind and stepped back.

G:"I know what she did to you." He says with a serious tone.
Ari:"Hey, do you hear that? I've gotta go make some dessert." I brushed it off as if it was nothing and left to go in the kitchen.

I didn't really need to make dessert, but I did it anyway. As I placed the ice cream on the plates, Julian was talking to me about how annoying Gabe was as a little kid. Some of the stories made me laugh, some made me appalled.

I served to everyone and then just take my plate upstairs. I sit on my bed while,
eating my ice cream. This is some good creamy ice cream!

I pull out my phone and face timed Tati, when she didn't answer I recalled her again. She picked up. I put in my headphones.

T:Hey gurll, what's good?
Ari:Nothing much, just eating ice cream. And you?
T: Well I'm doing my science homework, you know getting them grades up.
Ari:Yeah I should be doing that English homework, ugh.
T:*laughs* you better be on your A game.
Ari:Yeah, but listen.. Gabe is at my house and it's been quite cordial between us.
T:What have you done to him? Did you cast a spell or something? Cause he's never friendly with people, other than his friends.*sounding shocked*
Ari:As I told you, there's always something from the past, that adds up to how the person is.
T:Basically, you know why he's like this..tell me.
Ari:I can't, I promised it and I don't break promises.
T:Oh ok then, I'll see you on monday and remember.
T&Ari:Don't go in the 'dating zone.'
T:Good, bye Ari.
Ari: Bye mother.

She ends the FaceTime and I chuckle a little at my last saying. I heard the door knock.

Ari:"Come in."

He opened the door, making his way towards me and sat down on my bed.

G:"I've got to go, but the whole step mother thing has to be dealt with."
Ari:"It's cool, I know how to deal with her shit."
G:"I'm just trying to be helpful for once, I'll see you next week." He gets up and leaves.

I get he's attempting to be helpful however, I don't need it at this point. I can deal with all the pain and suffering she gives me.

I do my night routine, get in the bed and started to dream of him, Gabe de Guzman.

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