Chapter 19 ~ The bitches strike

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I had a blurry awakening. Soon as I could see clearly, I tried to stand up but the pain on one side of my stomach made me drop down. Also my head started to throb roughly, for a minute. I groaned out loud.

Whatever Jordyn painfully injected into me, I can't physically do much.
I crawled up to the door and try call for help.


Gabe's POV

It's Geography, we did the register and Ari wasn't here. She should be as she was in school, I hope nothing has happened to her.

Kay:"Hey Gabe, where's Ari?"
G:"To be completely honest, I don't know. I was gonna ask you the same question."
S:"I saw her by the lockers earlier with Jordyn, before I got food. Maybe she's being a badass and ditched school with Jordyn.
G:"I don't see her ditching school, and ruin her 100% attendance."
Kay:"I agree with ya."
G:"I sense something has gone wrong, I'm going to the toilet."
Kay:"I'm going too, She's my girl."
S:"I'll stay so it's not too obvious."

Kaycee and I, get permission slips to go to the toilet then, we head out of the classroom.
We started to look for her, by the lockers as we walked down the corridor, Kaycee heard a light noise.

Kaycee went towards the noise, which we had to go back by the lockers. There was the equipment storage, Kaycee turned the knob and it was locked. Of course.

Kay:"It's fucking locked." She sighed.
G:"No shit sherlock. Move aside." I grabbed a paper clip from my pocket and started to pick the locket.
Kay:"Rude. Anyway, what are you doing we're supposed to get the...Keys.
The click of the door unlocked, I looked back at her, smugly.
G:"No need for the keys, Years of unlocking stuff with this little clip. A thank you would be enough."
Ka:"Just open the door, dude."

I opened the door and saw Ari in pain, one hand held her head and the other held her stomach.

Kaycee gasped.

G:"Kaycee, being shocked isn't gonna help." I help her up, on one side and then she helps her, on the other side as well. We all started to go to student services. Who could've done this?
Kay:"What the hell happened with you? Who did this?"
Ari:"J-Jordyn, I think s-she injected me with a substance but I don't know what it is."
G:"She couldn't have done this, she's a great best friend also she was with me when, you know."
Ari:"I know it hurts, Gabe. However, she's dangerous to me and threat-ARGH." She groaned deeply, holding her stomach.
Kay:"We need to get her there quicker, so she can get checked out."

Jordyn is the only one with a variety of drugs in her basement. She promised she wouldn't use them on another person, I need to get to the bottom of this asap.


It's the end of the period, I arrive home and throw my bag on the floor. I text Jordyn to come over.
I'm infuriated at what she's done, if she doesn't say the truth then I don't think we could be even friends.

There was a knock on the door, I unlock the door and, Jordyn came in greeting me with a hug. I didn't hug back.

She seems to be 'puzzled', she knows.
I close the door and, join her on the sofa.

J:"Hey Gabe, whats with the coldness you're giving me?" She places her hand on my thigh, I place her hand back to her lap.
G:"Why the hell did you inject that shit inside Arianna's body?!"
J:"I don't know what you're talking abo-"
G:"Don't act dumb, Jord. You're being
too extreme. I don't think we can be frie-." All of a sudden, she kisses me on the lips. I didn't know what I was doing, I kissed her back. Oh shit.
J:"That's why, I want you Gabe. I wasn't going to let that whore, be in the way of us." She sounded enthusiastic.
G:"Don't call her that, and there is no us."
J:"Admit it, you liked the kiss." She raises one eye, seductively.
G:"You should leave." I stood up and approached the door, then open it.
J:"Suit yourself. Your precious Ari, would be isolated in a tight space. Somewhere." She makes her way out.
G:"You wouldn't." I stopped her, making her look into my eyes.
J:"Unfortunately, I would. Unless you break up with her without a reason and go out with moi."
G:"As if Will and Josh would follow orders from you, after I tell them what you're really like."
J:"Hmm, now that's where you're wrong 'Gab Gab'. They signed a contract, which you have also signed. Remember?" She displays me the contract, I then took it from her and ripped it up.
G:"That's how much I care about your stupid ass contact." I rip the contract, and push her out the door, as I close it.
J:"You're making a big mistake!"
G:"The only mistake I made was being best friends with you."

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