Chapter 6 ~ Depression taking over

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Some music if you want to listen^^^

Ari:"Mum!" I run up to give her a hug but she rejected it, with disgusted face.

I don't get it? Why is she not happy to see me?

M:"Get away from me, Arianna." She shouted.
Ari:"Why? I need you, my life is a hell hole with Melissa hanging around." My eyes start to fill up with tears.
M:"I was a rubbish mother to you, Melissa is right. I deserved to die." She began to have watery eyes.

Ari:"That's not true!"
M:"I have to go my dear, just always remember to always have-"

My dream was stopping and I came back to reality.
I wake up with strips of light, blinding me which caused me to close my eyes again. I take my phone and roll out of bed. I go do my morning routine while listening to what now by Riri (Rihanna). I get my clothes on for today and grab all my stuff , before going downstairs.

I made my lunch, took a cereal bar, and bandaged my deep cut on my arm. And then left.


As I was making my way to science (biology) with Bailey, Kenneth & Gabe decides to walk with us. We get to our lesson and have a long boring time, with the Mr mole talking about eukaryotes and prokaryotes.

It was clear to see Bailey and Kenneth were going out. She was smiling to all the signs they were giving each other, across the room. I could feel Gabe staring at me, full on the whole time. Nah, I'm ugly to look at.


It was break, so I got out of my 2nd lesson with Tati and we approached to our hangout. We see Bailey and Kaycee talking it out as we pass by, so we left them to make up with each other. we sat and got out our food to eat.

T:"Kaycee and I managed to dance on stage with JB! Back when we were 12/13."
Ari:"Bruh! That is amazing, so you dance ey?"
T:"Yep, dancing is my talent and what I want to do in life."
Ari:"I know that you are going to be great,even if I haven't seen you dance."
T:"Thanks Ari."

We watch Kaycee and Bailey come back with stern faces. Oh come on, they should've made up by now.

B:"Arianna, are you alright?" She swiftly sat down next to me. Something's wrong?
Ari:"Yeah, I'm good...why?"

Then my head suddenly clicks, she must know about the incident with my step mum. My happiness drained out as my anger fills up. Get out of my seat with my bag and began to try and find Gabe.

After pushing through crowds, I found him in a corner with Sean and Kenneth, laughing. I stomp towards him with rage in my veins.

Ari:"Gabe could I talk to you, alone."

Kenneth and Sean looked at each other confused, then left us to talk.

G:"What do you want?"
Ari:"Why did you fucking tell Bailey and Kaycee about it?" I try not to make a scene.
G:"I thought they needed to know about it. This is some real abuse she's doing to you." He says, looking straight in my eyes, calming me down.
Ari:"I wanted to tell them in my own time, not today."
G:"Well I've told them and I thought it was the right thing to do."

Thats when I sighed and ran straight into the toilets. I just wanted time to myself and all that anger turned into sadness, causing myself to cry on my knees. (She had her knees to her chest)


Last lesson of the day was finished, so I avoided the girls and walked home by myself. Once I got back in the house, I sprint upstairs into my bedroom and jumped on the bed, falling face down.

After an hour, I came out of my position and decided to do my art homework, as art soothes my brain. So I grabbed all my painting equipment and sat on the balcony, outside of my room. It was a good time to paint, because the sun was just setting and some of the houses had their lights on, which gave a beautiful scenery. I got my headphones, plugged them into my phone and listened to stay by Rhianna, while doing the homework.

When I finished the homework, I thought I could do more of my other homework out her but, I had a feeling something is wrong. Melissa hasn't shouted for me to come downstairs, so I put away my painting and equipment and go downstairs but stop. There was a discussion going on.

Mel:"You have to give her hard core discipline."
D:"For what, she hasn't done anything wrong."
Mel:"You signed a contract to work for me and to marry me, so I own you."
D:"I would never hurt my daughter, ever."

She brings out her knife and puts it against his neck with strength, making dad to struggle. I came down and got her arm away from him. However, her hand whacked my eye powerfully and that made me to fall on the ground, as a tear flows down from my black eye. Throbbing so much.

D:"Arianna, are you ok?" He helps me up from the floor.
Ari:"I-I think so."
Mel:"Aw is little Arianna going to cry, well go and cry outside." She pushes me out the door, I didn't have the energy to struggle and then the door slammed shut behind me.

I walked in a path through the alleyway. I felt like shit, I am shit. I sat down halfway walking in the alleyway, with my knees to my chest and had tears down my cheeks.

Suddenly, I felt someone pull me into a hug and automatically I knew who gave me this warm, cosy hug. I didn't fight against it, I just sobbed into his jumper. Then my tiredness took over, making my eyes grow heavy and drift off to sleep.

It's pretty clear to see who it is,
Or is it? Dun, Dun, Dun!
Anyway, the step mum is back at it with the abuse, Arianna gets comforted by someone and her dad signed her contract making her in control. Madness.

Love and peace out✌🏾️

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