There's a new girl in school, called Arianna Gonzales. She's quite creative and has a lot of curiosity. She finds friends however meets with this boy in the hood with his mates...they could make her life a misery or she could end being in love with...
After I put on my clothes for the day, I smelt some..bacon and that's when I sprint downstairs, to see an already made breakfast. He's the best bro, its like he's not even my cousin.
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Ja:"I thought I'd make you some breakfast, for today since its a Monday, so anything can happen." Ari:"Thanks, bro."
I take my breakfast and sat on the sofa, putting on sponge Bob square pants. Hey don't judge me, I love sponge Bob square pants and it keeps me happy for the morning of today. Hell day.
Walking through the school gates, I felt alright like I've managed to do my maths homework, so all homeworks are completed. Let me see if I missed any, just in case. Maths, science, history.. Yep that's everything.
•bell rings•
First lesson, Maths. In maths, we had to do a worksheet and as we did our worksheets, Mr James would come around for homework.
Bailey sat in front of me, pleading for my sheet. She forgot that maths was first and not after break. So I gave her my sheet, but then Mr James spotted us and started with our row.
Good luck, bails..
Mr J:"Ahem, miss sok I see you haven't done the homework to explain why?" He crosses his arms. B:"Because, I was helping at an elderly home till 12 at midnight." Mr J:"Alright, bring the homework by break tomorrow or otherwise its a detention."
Woah, Bailey's acting is at high standard. Well done, girl!
B:"Close call." She whispers to me, as he walks to the back row. Ari:"But survived."I put my two thumbs up and whispered back. G:"That was really good there, Bailey." B:"Wow, thanks." She smiles, turning back.
Gabe sat behind me, so he could hear what we were saying. I look behind me at Gabe, confused.
G:"What? I'm new to this niceness shit."
I chuckle a little turning back to my work.
The door creaks open, all heads came up to see...Jordyn! I frowned, as she is not who I want to see on a Monday morning. If anything, she makes me irritated.
Mr J:"And you must be Jordyn, take any seat." He welcomed her in.
Since there was a free seat next to Gabe, she took that seat and got her equipment out.
J:"Nice to see you, Ari." She smiles, evilly. You won't know what's going on inside her whacky head.
Inside, I wanted to sprinkle some holy water. She needs it, a whole lot. I didn't show that though, I gave her my most fake smile I could ever give her.
Ari:"You too, Jords."
I then turn back around and face palm my forehead, hell day has begun.
As I go towards our hangout, I see the girls and boys laughing with Jordyn. I picked up the pace to look at what's happening. When I got there, everyone was sat down and there was no room for me, so I just stood in my position.
B:"You should've heard about, Jordyn's funny story of Sean." T:"H-He used where you place your CD on your PC as a cup holder." S:"Hey, I thought it would be one of those DIYs." Kay:"When you take DIYs, too seriously."
They all laugh, instead of me. It does sound funny, however my mind was on other things like...the food homework! Which is in 10 minutes. Damn it. Gabe notices that I had a, shocked look.
G:"Arianna, earth to Ari?" I snap out of it and turn my head to Gabe. Ari:"Yeah?" G:"You alright?" Ari:"No-not really cause we have to dance in like 7 minutes." G:"I will be fine, don't know about you though. " Ari:"Thanks a lot for the encouragement." I say with sarcasm. G:"Do you want to run it through, real quick?" Ari:"Yep, but can we do this like in the hallway or something." G:"Umm, sure." He comes out from where he was sitting and drags my arm.
We ran from the hallway to our Food class, as we were very late. I huff and puff out of breathe, when we got inside.
Ari:"Sorry miss for being late." We sit in our seats. MissP:"I'll let you off today, if your assignment is good." G:"Oh, it will." I hear Gabe mutter.
After sometime, we were the last ones to go up and advertise the product. Nerves start to show through my facial expression.
G:"We've got this, don't be nervous. Just let the rhythm move you and you'll be fine or imagine everyone in their underwear." He whispered,
I look at him puzzled by, how imagining the whole class wearing underwear, is gonna help me with the nerves.
He gets out of his seat, while I grab our poster and go join him. I did what he told me and I started to laugh uncontrollably, so much that I fell to the floor.
His advice came to use, I felt all my nerves oozing out of me. Everyone, looked at me weirdly including Miss bramble.
MissB:"Do you need to calm down outside, miss Gonzalez?"
I quietened down and got my act together.
Ari:"No need to, miss bramble."
Then I turn to Gabe, he tries to hold his laughter making me giggle a little. Breathe in, breathe out and get into serious mode. We begin our advertisement and smashed our dancing routine.
Applauses were everywhere, we took a bow and went back into our seats.
MissB:"Ah, what a show you put on! Just for that, you win a packet of Haribos." She said and gave us a big packet of it.
Gabe allowed me to keep it in my bag, so I inserted it in my bag and offered him a fist bump. He looked at my fist then at me smiling, which made my day and he accepted it.
"You did alright for someone who can't dance." He whispered.
"Thanks, I guess."
We carried on our food lesson, normally and I enjoyed the lesson as I got to dance Gabe. Everybody started pack up and get ready for lunch.