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Fairytale Land

"Be careful, Cassie." Papa told me.

I rolled my eyes at his concern, "I'll be fine. If this guy really does have the information we need, then we'll be one step closer into skinning ourselves a Crocodile. He's not going to get away with what he did to you and Mama."

He smiled, "If your mother could see you now, I know she'll be proud."

I smiled back, "I'll see you before the sun sets."


I walked into the tavern until I spotted Phil. I went over and sat down next to him.

I gave him my best smile, "So, what's a handsome lad like yourself drinking alone?"

"Go away." He grumbled before drowning more rum.

I gestured for the bartender to pass me a drink. I took a gulp before trying again, "Not much of a talker, are ya?" He didn't say anything. I sighed, plan B. I roughly grabbed him by his collar. "I'm done playing nice. Word has it that you know where the Dark One is."

"I haven't seen that monster since yesterday."


"I don't know." I slammed his head on the bar. "I swear, I don't know! Last time I've seen him, he was heading West."

I pulled him back up and smiled while fixing his collar, "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

I placed a few tokens on the table as the bartender rushed over, "Mind my friend here. He had a bit too much to drink."

I got up and walked out, unaware of the woman following me.


I was whistling a happy tune while I walked along the road. This was the most Papa and I got all month. Looks like we're heading west.

A black carriage past by. It came to my surprise when it came to a sudden stop. I raised my eyebrow as one of the guards held the door open. A woman steps out in black attire.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? The young pirate from the tavern." The woman gave a wicked smile as she scans me over. "So, you're the one the Dark One wants?"

"I don't care what he wants, he could go to hell for all I care. In fact, I might just send him there myself."

She chuckled, "You sure are full of hate. I could see why he wants you and we can't have that, now can we?"

"Yes, now that we established that could you..." I trailed off, making a gesture for her to move.

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" She sneered.

I gave her a once over, "Umm, an ugly old hag."

"Try your Queen."

"Oh, excuse me, where are my manners your royal prattiness?" I said sarcastically, then gave a mocking bow.

She walked around me, "Well, killing you will give me great pleasure." Quickly, I unshield my sword and pointed at her neck. She laughed. "Do you really think you can kill me?"

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