Into the Deep

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I never felt so free. Free from the pirates life. Free from wanting revenge. For the first time, nothing is holding me back. My hands are raised above me as my head tilted back in laughter. I could feel my hips sway to the beat of the music before I followed the Lost Boys around the fire. Pan finally fixed that stupid pipe of his.

The boys were cheering and hollering. A few banging their sticks on the ground before spinning around. I looked past the fire to see Pan smirking at me while he played his pipes. A huge smile came to my face while I made my way over and grabbed his hand.

"Dance with me," I said happily. I didn't let him reply as I pulled him off his seat.

Even without him playing, I could still hear the beautiful sound around the camp. We both started laughing as we spun around. I kept jumping up and down before I felt his hands go on my waist. Pan pulled me close before spinning me around. He brought me back and held on. His chest pressed against my back as I laughed.

"I need you to wake up, Cas," his breath tickled me ear.

"What?" I asked breathlessly.

"Wake up. I want you to wake up. Wake up."

I felt a hand on my shoulder as my eyes slowly started to open.

"Cas. Cas," I heard Snow. My eyes fluttered open to a very worried Snow and Emma. "Thank god."

Wait, Emma. That incompetent little twat used poppy powder on me. I quickly sat up and drew my sword out, pointing it at them. Both their eyes widen as they held their hands up.

"Cas. Cas. Cas."

"Jax. Hey, hey, hey."

I glared at the both of them. "What the bloody hell did you do to me? Where's Papa?"

Emma slowly walked forward, but took a step back when I pointed my sword towards her. "Jax. I'm sorry, but I did what I had to do."

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"She gave us a head start," Snow said. 

My glared hardened on the both of them. "Head start? Head start!" I abruptly got up, sword not going down. "Do you guys not really trust Papa that much? Was his word not good enough for the both of you?"

"Jax, he's working with Cora. He was never on our side," Emma said. "He was only using us. He was going to get the compass and give it to Cora."

"Did he tell you that?"

"No, but -"

"Then what gives you the right to decide who's side he's on. You might as well forced him to join Cora after you left him to that giant." My grip on the sword tightens. "I've been searching for him for 28 years, Emma. How would you have liked it if I took your parents away from you?"

"Jax, you have a dad. He's back in Storybrooke worried sick about you."

"That bloody Crocodile isn't my dad," I sneered. "My real dad is out there. He helped you get the compass. He risked his own life betraying Cora, but you ended up betraying him instead. You betrayed me." I looked at Snow. "You both did."

Snows mouth opened. "Cas, I know what we did is terrible. You know I wouldn't want to separate you from your father. He means everything to you. I can't justify Emma's actions -" Emma gave her an offended look "- but she was looking out for you."

Emma slowly walked up. "I'm sorry, Jax. I'm sorry for separating you two. But Hook isn't a good person. You guys found each other and what does he do? He goes flirting with all of us. Mr. Gold? He attacked the man who put you in the hospital. Do you remember that? He almost murdered the guy if I haven't found him. That's what a father should do. And in my eyes, Mr. Gold is your father."

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