Heart of Darkness

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Fairytale World

Snow hasn't been the same since she drank the Crocodile's potion. She's been more like...more like Grumpy. She's moody, she gets irritated easily. I was about to walk into the living room, but had to duck when she swung the broom near my face.

I slowly raised my hand up as I stood up. "Easy, love. It's just me."

She didn't look back as she swung the broom again. "Sorry, Cas."

Ok, what is she doing? "What are you doing?"

"Getting rid of the vermin in this house," She said. She glared in at the air and I followed her line of vision to see a blue bird. Snow pursed her lips before she let out a grunt while swinging at the bird again. I bit my lip to hid my laughter at the sight. The bird flew out the window in time. Snow ran towards the window and I couldn't help the little laughter that escaped me. She glared. "What do you want?"

"Well, the dwarves wanted me to tell you it's dinner time."

"I'm not hungry."

I rolled my eyes as she closed the window. I made my way over and grabbed her arm. "Then you can tell them that. Those buggers won't believe anything I say." I pulled her towards the dining room. "They just kept going on and on about how special it's going to be tonight."

I pushed the curtain back and was greeted by the whispering dwarves, if you want to call it whispering. They gathered around the table and I cleared my throat to announce our presence. They all looked rather gloomy. A few couldn't even look at the lass in the eye.

Snow gestured around the table. "Somebody die?"

Then this cricket comes flying in. The dwarves call him Jiminy and apparently he's the main conscious. He tells people what's right and not to give in to the darkness. I wanted to laugh when Grumpy told me that. If this cricket knew what kind of things I've done in the past, my heart has belong to darkness since I was born. It got worse when Papa and I got separated.

"Snow, why don't you have a seat?" Jiminy suggested.

Snow, thinking he's a bug, started swatting him. "Oh! Why is there a dirty cricket in here?" She actually managed to flick him.

"My name is Jiminy, and your friends have asked me to be here tonight. They're concerned about you, and they have something they'd like to say. Grumpy, why don't you start?"

Grumpy nodded as he took a piece of paper out. "Snow White, you've changed. You've become angry, irritable, and downright mean." And this is coming from him.

"Changed? And who are you to tell me I've changed?" She snapped.

Jiminy tried to calm her down. "Snow, please. These are your friends. And we're all here because we -we care about you. Who wants to go next?"

Sneezy raised his hand before he took his paper out. "Uh... You brought bales of straw into the house last night, even though you know that I'm..." Bashful placed his finger under Sneezy's nose, but he still sneezed anyway. "...allergic."

Snow raised her hand in annoyance. "You are allergic to everything."

"You broke my mug!" Happy yelled.

"You're lucky it wasn't that mug you call a face!"

Ok, I started laughing. Happy snapped at me. "You think this is funny?!"

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