The Miller's Daughter

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Oh, my god. I never knew how much I missed sailing on the Jolley Roger until this very day. I never even realized how much I miss sailing this ship until my hands were on the wheel. And bless Bae for being the wall that separates me and Emma. Emma doesn't trust me, I want to punch her. As much as I hate admitting this, it still hurts a bit. Emma's known me and cursed me for a short matter of time. I looked up to her. Cursed me would have made her my hero, so when she says she doesn't trust me...well, fine. Let her.

At least I've got to teach Henry how to sail. He loved it. And Bae was there as the supervisor. That part I'm a bit bummed out because of all those times I wanted to swear like a sailor and drink rum he wouldn't let me. Then again, I still got to spend time with him, too. Even let him sail so he could spend time with his son. Just like the old days except for this time he's actually old. Like 10 years older if you want to get technical.

 All good things must come to an end when we finally arrived at Storybrooke. Snow and David met up with us on the docks along with Ruby. Ruby and Bae pulled Rumple off the ship, him getting weaker each second. My eyes found the bloody cloth he used to hold over his wound. Part of me is satisfied and the other is worried. Don't know how those two emotions could be mixed up, but it's there.

"Are you ok?" Snow asked as she got out of the truck.

"Yep. We're all right," Emma said as she pulled Henry away from me

Henry beamed up at David. "Uh, I drove a ship."

David grabbed Rumple from Ruby. "Did you, now?"

Henry nodded. "Yeah, my dad and Jax showed me how."

Bae awkwardly held up Rumple's cane. "That's me."

David raised his brow at me. "He wanted to learn, mate," I replied happily. "And Snow's right, it is like riding a bike." I thought I might have forgotten how to sail, but I didn't.

We gathered around the guys when Rumple held on to the truck.

"Is Cora trying to control you with the dagger?" David asked him.

"Oh, you'd know if she was, and most of you would be dead by now," he responded.

I rolled my eyes. "That's reassuring," I mumbled.

"Well, then, we'll just have to take the fight to her before that can happen," Snow said.

David nodded. "We will."

"And this time, we finish it." My ears perked up at that as I gave Snow a surprised look. Is she really suggesting that we kill someone? Her? Little Miss Everyone Deserves a Second Chance? Don't know if I should be shocked or bloody impressed.

David gave her a look. "Mary Margaret...

"David. She needs to be stopped. She needs to be killed. This is our family. We are going to protect it." Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now, I'm all for killing Cora, but I didn't know Snow was, too. She's not the type of person who'll kill someone. It's a bit late for me, but not her.

"Of course we will. But what you're talking about goes beyond that."

"Does it? Because she is the reason you've never met my mother."

"I know. I know what happened to, and I have zero problem with Cora dying for it. But not by your hand. And not out of vengeance."


Oh, for crying out loud. "Because that's not the kind of person you are, love," I said. The couple looked at me. "David and I know you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you go through with it because your heart is pure."

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