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You know, I thought we would have gone straight to the airport. Get this over with and find Bae, but no we had to come get Emma because of the favor she owed him. At least Emma's presence would make this trip more...pleasant. So the Crocodile and I stood in front of her door. I tapped my foot impatiently as he knocked on the door.

"Stop," The Crocodile said.

I continued my tapping. "Sorry, mate. You wanted me to come along. Suffer the consequences."

"You could have waited in the car."

"Or I couldn't just bloody come along." He sighed as Emma opened the door.

"Ready to go, Miss Swan?"

"Almost," Emma sighed as she let us in. She gave me a confused look. "You're coming, Jax?"

"Apparently, so," I mumbled.

"Consider this our Father-Daughter bonding time," Rumple said.

I rolled my eyes as I leaned against the door. "It's the demon's way of saying that he's trying to put as much distance from me and Papa as possible." Rumple gave me a look. I sassed one back. "Am I wrong?"

The frown on my face became a small smile when I see Henry coming with his luggage.

"Do you think we'll be cold where we're going, or warm?" He asked.

"I think layers are always a good idea," Emma said.

I went over to Henry and wrapped my arm around him. "You coming, Munchkin?"

"Uh, huh," he nodded. Yes! Now this trip is more bearable

Stiltskin shook his head. "No, he's not." He looked at Emma. "I thought the terms of our agreement were quite clear. You owe me a favor – you alone."

"I'm not leaving Henry here with Cora lurking about, so either we both go, or we both stay," Emma argued. As much as I try to stay away from Cora and whatever business she's planning, I think this is a good idea. Just because Cora won't harm me doesn't mean she'll harm Henry.

Yes, Regina is still here. But no one has seen her since the accusations. Do I feel bloody bad for what I said to her? Yes. Regina has been nothing more than a friend to me since the curse has been lifted. I did what I had to do. Emma is trying to do the same with Henry, even though she has no right to take him anywhere since she gave him away legally. Except this is the best plan for now. I took Stiltskin's phone from my pocket. No message. Damn it, Papa. Learn how to use a bloody phone!

"Then, we'll have to purchase another plane ticket, won't we?" Stiltskin said as he glanced down at Henry.

Emma gave him a confused look as Snow came in and helped Henry with his jacket. "Wait. We're flying?"

I motioned towards her. "I said sailing, but apparently flying's better." At least I could steal a ship for free instead of paying hundreds for tickets.

"Don't worry, I'm covering expenses. Even the new ones," The demon said.

"You're a real gentleman, aren't you?" David asked sarcastically as he comes down the stairs. Great, the whole gang is here. He handed Emma her suitcase. "Alright, Gold, you're going out there with my family. Just know, if anything happens to them..."

Stiltskin didn't seem faze. "Then you'll what? Cross the town line? And David Nolan will hunt me down in his animal rescue van?"

"I'll be devastated. This isn't a threat. It's a request. Take care of them."

"I promise no harm will come to your family. After all...we have a deal."

Oh, please. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed Henry's suitcase. "And we all know how good the Crocodile is with his deals."

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