Lady of the Lake Part 2

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Fairytale World (Past)

A huge figure jumped in front of Philip and me. My eyes widen as I looked at the tall, buff guy in front. His stature leers over us as he takes deep breaths. The only thing he was wearing was a loincloth. Though it looks like it could be his dirty old diaper.

"Is that him?" I asked. Stupid question, I know.

Philip nodded. "That's him. That's Tarzan."

Tarzan started pounding on his chest before he peered down and roared at us. Bloody hell.

Fairytale World (Present)

"We're getting close," Snow said as Mulan held her torch up high.

We heard a little grunt. I spun around to see Aurora pulling her dress from one of the branches. I rolled my eyes before following Mulan.

"Aurora, you've got to keep up," Mulan tells her.

"Sorry, but I'm not exactly dressed for the woods," she said. "It's cold out here."

Again, I rolled my eyes. "Yes, a pretty princess out in these bloody woods instead of the comfort of her base camp," I said. "Smells like a horrid movie if you ask me."

I went over to her and pulled my dagger out. I knelt down and began tearing the ends of her dress.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

I ripped the fabric, so now her dress is knee length. I glared up at her. "So her highness wouldn't trip." I got up. "Don't need anything else slowing us down." I walked over to Snow again. I see her giving me a disappointing look. "What now, love?"

"Nothing, Cas," she responded.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Hey, the faster we get to the wardrobe, the faster you and Emma can go home."

Mulan held her hand up, signaling us to stop. "Up here!"

I small smile came to my face as the castle came to view. It's like we never left.

"Is that it?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," Snow breathed. "That's our home."

"I never thought I'd see this place again," I added.

The small castle that's near the water. Another reason why I love this place so much. Another home that has a small piece of my first.


Fairytale World (Past)

Philip and I slid behind the couch while Tarzan threw things at us. My breathing came out rapidly as I looked back, only to return back to my normal spot when he threw a lamp.

"This is why I don't help people, I end up getting furniture thrown at my head!" I yelled.

I heard a small yell before I saw a figure flip over us. Tarzan grabbed Philip by his foot and began swinging him around.

"A little help!" Philip's voice shook.

I took my sword out and stood. I swung it across Tarzan's chest. A long gash across his chest send him into a frenzy. He tossed Philip across the room, making his back collide with the wall. I tried to swing again, but he caught my arm mid-swing. I winced when his grip tightened as he hauled me up. I'm surprise this wanker didn't break my arm. I brought my other hand up to punch him in the chest, but he didn't budge. Is this guy made of steel or something?

"I guess all that tree climbing pays off, huh?" I said. Tarzan didn't say anything. He roared in my face. "I guess you don't use toothpaste either."

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