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After so many long bloody hour sitting next to the Crocodile, we arrived at Bae' place. I'm glad I was seated near the door because I didn't waste a second to climb out and get some leg room.

"What's wrong? Is this the right place?" Emma asked him as I took a look at the apartment complex.

"Yes, it is," Crocodile responded.

"Let me guess. He's not expecting you." The Crocodile is like lice, no one is expecting him. "Well, who doesn't love a surprise?"

Emma and Henry went up towards the apartments. Rumplestiltskin took a deep breath before following them. Do my eyes deceive me or does he actually look nervous. I've seen the demon at his worst and he's never been nervous. Wait, why should I care if he's nervous? I have other things that matter the most. Like killing him.

I made sure they were inside before pulling his phone out and taking a quick pic. I type on the screen before hitting send. I hope Papa gets this. Or at least learn how to use a phone so he could respond. We could finally have our vengeance. And the Crocodile has no magic here, so he'll be powerless. He won't turn Papa into a toad or rip his heart out. The only thing close to a sword I have here is Stiltskin's cane.

"No Baelfire," Henry said as I walked inside the building.

"Because he didn't want found," I said. "If Bae didn't want to be found, he certainly wouldn't put his real name on the lease." Especially with the name Baelfire. He'd probably get picked on with the name like that. No offense to him.

Emma looked at Rumple. "Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?"

"It doesn't work that way," he responded as he looked at the buttons for the rooms.

"Do any of these names mean anything to you?" Henry asked as we looked at the list of names.

"Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly, no."

Emma pointed to the apartment that was only listed as a number. "Here's your boy."

"How do you know?" I asked. "It could just be vacant."

"Gold might traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people who don't want to be found. And those sort of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts." Or he doesn't want to get picked because of his name. Not that I have a problem with it. Emma buzzed the apartment on the intercom. "U.P.S. package for 407."

The person on the other line didn't respond, he just hung up. Rude.

"Maybe you should've said FedEx," Henry suggested.

"Or pizza delivery," I added. Who doesn't love pizza? There was a small clank coming from outside followed by a crash.

"He's running," Emma said.

We rushed outside and spotted Baelfire climbing down the fire escape.

"That...That favor you owe me – this is it," Rumple rushed out. "Get him to talk to me. I - I can't run." Baelfire jumps down and broke off into a spring.

Emma looked at me. "Jax, watch Henry. I'll be back."

I raised my hands up in surrender as I watch her run. Bloody hell, I wanted to help. It's been a long time since I've seen the lad. Well, now that I think about it...wouldn't Bae be my brother? Since we both share the same mother, but not father. Huh?

And now that we're not moving anywhere, I felt my stomach growling. Haven't eaten since we left Storybrooke. I looked around the street to find a hot dog stand not that far away.

"Yum, hot dogs," I stated happily as I pulled Henry with me. "Come on, Munchkin, you must be hungry."

"Yeah, I'm starving," he replied. We ran towards the stand. I ordered three hot dogs before paying the man. I paid the man before handing Henry one of the dogs before getting the other two. "Thanks."

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