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I know David and I aren't at the best of terms, but come on, he can't be responsible for Kathryn's disappearance. My gym teacher found her car abandoned near the town line, but Kathryn wasn't in it. I went with Emma to get David, ignoring the stares of our fellow Storybrooker's.

I kept my arms crossed as Emma started questioning David about the eight minute phone call, who she miraculously received from Sidney. She handed him a tea.

"I hope Kathryn's somewhere warm, not out in the cold," David said.

Emma gave David a worried look. "David...I think you need to start worrying about yourself a little bit more here. Your wife is missing. You are in love with another woman. There's this..." She held up the paper of Kathryn's previous calls. "Unexplained phone call."

"I know, I know. I just...I can't explain why it says that. I didn't do anything to my wife."

I sighed before I patted David's arm in a comforting manner. "We believe you. You look like you wouldn't hurt a bloody fly, much less making someone disappear."

Emma nodded in agreement. "I'm pretty good at spotting a liar. And, honestly, liars have better material. Now, go home."

David looked shocked. "I can go?"

"Aye," I said. "Emma needs more leads than Kathryn missing. Just get some sleep. She'll call you if anything comes up." I see Emma raising her eyebrow at me. I cringed. I'm basically telling her to do her job. "Sorry."

Emma shook her head at me in amusement. "Jax, maybe you should head home too before Mr. Gold kills me for keeping you out this long. And, David...maybe you should get a lawyer."

I gave her a mock solute. "All right, love."

I waited by the door. David sighed before he stood up and followed me out. Our houses were near each other, so I had to walk with him. It was awkward for him, I could feel the tension from where I'm standing...or walking if you want to get technical.

That didn't stop him from talking. "So, how are you doing, Jax?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Same old, same old. I'm either babysitting Henry, going to school, help my dad at the pawn shop, or I'm with Emma. Not much has happened." I feel like I should say something back. "How about you? Besides the whole Kathryn thing. How's work?"

"Um. It's great. I love seeing the look on kids face when they adopt one of the animals." I just nodded my head as we continued walking. "Thank you for believing me."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Like I said, you wouldn't hurt a fly. Even though people might see some motive in this."

He gave me a confused look. "Motive?"

Does he really not see it? "David, you left Kathryn to be with Mary Margaret. Kathryn came to school and slapped her. People are going to think you did something to her just to be with Mary Margaret. Let's say something did happen to Kathryn, fingers are going to be pointed at. And guess who people are going to be pointing them at? You."

We arrived at the pawn shop. "But I didn't -"

I cut him off. "Doesn't matter. Until Emma finds her, you're suspect #1. Maybe not to me, Emma, and Mary Margaret. The town loves drama. And who's got the most drama right now?" And with that I went inside. I sighed as Dad came from the back. "I'm sorry if I'm late."

"Did you enjoy your evening with Miss Swan?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I walked around him and went towards the stairs.

"Regina called. She said don't forget about tomorrow."

I nodded again. "I know. I'm watching Henry after school. We're actually seeing Emma at the station. I'm sure she wouldn't mind since he's with me." Yes she would.

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