That Still Small Voice

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Fairytale World (6 year old Cassandra)

"Cassie. Cassie, wake up." I felt Papa shake me. I gasped up as I took in my surroundings. I'm on the Jolley Roger. Not in some cave. Papa's here. Alive. "Another nightmare, love?"

I breathed deeply before I told him, "We were in a cave...and we heard this giggling noise. When we turned around...your eyes went wide. The Crocodile took your heart out and he - he...he crushed..." I couldn't take it anymore and started crying. "He killed you like he did Mama."

Papa pulled me into a hug, "It's just a dream. I'm here, I'm here. That bloody crocodile isn't going to take me away from you. Remember the song your mother use to sing?"

I nodded and we started singing, "Come stop your crying, it will be alright. Just take my hand, and hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you. I will be here, don't you cry."

Papa held me tighter, "I swear, Cassie, we will avenge your mother if it's the last thing we do."


Dad decided to redecorate the shop and forced me into it. I mean, I 'volunteered' to help him - note the sarcasm.

At first he had me move all the weapons to one area, the furniture in the other side of the room, and knickknacks near the entrance. Then - after three hours - he told me to put everything back.

I sighed as I placed this weird metal arm on the counter, "Where should I put this?"

Dad glanced up from this fancy looking cup, "Near the puppets."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Little Raven."

I shrugged my shoulders before heading over to this puppet set. I just placed the arm on the table when the building started to shake.

Some of the antics started falling off. "Jacqueline!" Dad yelled.

I ran next to him and he pulls us under the table. More items began falling off the shelves as the earth shook. It lasted a few more seconds.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, you?" He nodded.

Then Marco came into the shop, "You two alright?"

"Yeah, what was that?"

He looked at the crowd of people running down the street, "It looks like it came from the old mine. Come on." Then, he left the store.

I looked out the window before looking back at Dad. He gave me a little nod. I gave him a grateful hug before running with Marco. When we got to the old mines the town was surrounding it.

Regina got out of her car, "Everyone! Step back, please!"

"Is that a crater?" Ruby asked when she spotted a crater.

Marco shook his head, "No, there were tunnels, uh, old mines. Something collapsed."

Emma and Graham stood next to us. Regina began barking orders, "Sheriff, set up a police perimeter. Marco, why don't you help with the fire department? Miss Swan, this is now official town business. You're free to go."

"Well, actually, I work for the town now." Emma said.

I gave her a smile, "You took the job?"

"I did."

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