Snow Falls

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Fairytale World

Cut the tree, steal the jewels, run. That's what the plan was.

Snow introduced me to the dwarves weeks ago and told me that she needed money to leave this world. I offered to help her for all she's done for me. She could have let the Queen rip my heart out, but no she saved me. And out of the goodness of the Lass's heart, she let me stay with her. The dwarves, minus Grumpy, were ok with me staying, saying any friend of Snow's is a friend of theirs.

We had a plan to steal from the Evil Queen. So, here we are - high up in the trees - waiting for her carriage to stroll by. According to Snow, she always takes this route. This better bloody work, that tree was hard to cut down even with her help. The Queen knows about me, that much is certain, but she doesn't know that I'm with Snow - until I find Papa.

The carriage came to a stop and the guards came out to inspect the tree. Snow smiled at me before jumping down the tree. I shook my head in amusement before following after her. I heard the shriek of the wailing woman, then I turned around, ram my sword in the guard's chest before running with Snow.

"Guards! Stop, thieves! Help me!" The nagging woman yelled.

I pulled one of the guards down from his horse and quickly jumped on. Snow jumped on the other and we began riding away. I heard more clatter of hooves, then a few grunts before I hauled the steed. I looked back to see the guy about to punch Snow. I rolled my eyes before riding back to see her slam a rock in his face.

I quickly turned to steed around and yelled, "Come on, lass!"

She quickly got up and jumped on. I pulled the reins for the horse to run. I let out a chuckle as we got far away from him. I didn't stop as we heard the guy yell...

"You can't hide from me! Wherever you are, I will find you!"


Field trip day to the hospital. Well, for Henry's class, because I'm Mary Margaret's TA she wanted me to go. I was cleaning one of the patients rooms, some guy name John Doe.

"Do you know who this is?" Henry asked me excitedly.

I raised my eyebrow at him as I got one of the plants to place by the window, "Should I?"

"It's him. It's Prince Charming."

"Prince Charming? As in Snow White and Prince Charming?"


"So, you're telling me that he and she are him and her?"

"I don't know what you said, but yes."

I sighed, "Henry -"

He pointed at the man's chin, "He's got the same scar."

"So...a lot of people have scars."

"But not in the same place."

I gave a slow nod, "Ok, if this is the Prince Charming, that makes him my best friend?"

"Like the story."

"One problem, Munchkin."

"I know, he's in a coma."

"No, I'm sixteen. He's like...thirty."

Henry rolled his eyes. John Doe's room door opens and Mary Margaret stepped inside. "Jax, Henry. We could really use your help with the decorations." She said.

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