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i hope for the best, i prepare for the worst.

            HONESTLY, SHE'D expected a little more chaos

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            HONESTLY, SHE'D expected a little more chaos.

            To say that they could do 'whatever the hell they want', the delinquents were surprisingly reserved. Admittedly, there was screaming and shouting and most were running around in giddy anticipation, but it was nowhere near the level of unadulterated madness that Marley had expected.

            She was just outside camp though - just away from the barrage of rowdy teenagers - and was helping Wells bury the bodies of the two teenagers who had died when the dropship crashed.

            Wells shovelled the last pile of dirt onto the grave before setting down his tools and looking at Marley. "We better get those clothes to the dropship. Whoever needs them can have them."

            The girl nodded in agreement and picked up the bundle of clothes from the ground. She made her way back to camp beside Wells, weaving in and out between running teens and the large rocks which littered the forest landscape.

            "Hey, where'd you get the clothes?" A boy asked, blocking their paths as they entered the clearing in front of the dropship. Marley recognised the boy as one of Bellamy's gang; he didn't look particularly menacing but he the way he was staring at her made her uneasy. She clutched the fabric tighter as he made a motion to reach out and grab it.

            Wells stepped in between the pair, shielding Marley. "Buried the two kids who died in the landing."

            "Smart," the boy nodded, "I'll take it from here." He made a movement to step around Wells but he was - again - blocked from reaching the girl who held the clothes.

            "We share based on need. Just like back home," Wells countered back.

            "You don't get it, do you, Chancellor?" Bellamy's voice rang out. He appeared from behind a covering of fabric, shirtless and with a girl in tow. They kissed briefly before she strutted off and away from the scene. "This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply."

            The boy who'd confronted them before tried to wrestle the clothes from Marley's grip but she held onto them, her fists tightening around the dark material.

            "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Atom, hold up," Bellamy interrupted. He looked Marley up and down before stealing a t-shirt from the top of the pile. "You want it back, Lonely Girl? Take it."

            Marley looked up at him with startled eyes as his stare drifted between the two teenagers in front of him. She was sure she looked like a deer in headlights and he was probably finding so much pleasure in messing with her. Wells nodded at her and she dumped the clothes onto the floor behind her. Teenager's swarmed to grab something before they all disappeared.

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