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i guess some people are just born with tragedy in their blood.

            THE CAMP was a scene of absolute chaos and disarray

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THE CAMP was a scene of absolute chaos and disarray. Murphy hung in the middle of the cheering crowd, who were dancing around like a pack of wild animals who had just caught their food. He was struggling - kicking his legs and furiously trying to yank his hands out of the binds which held them behind his back - as Marley watched on utterly frozen in both shock and fear. Clarke was still battling against Bellamy who was standing firm, refusing to let her pass.

"What the hell are you doing? Cut him down!" Finn's voice boomed over the ruckus hum of the crowd. "Charlotte, Get out of here now! Cut him down!"

Connor growled, yanking his knife from his pocket and holding it up to Finn threateningly.

"Get out of my way!" He yelled in reply. He attempted to push his way past the weapon-wielding boy as Clarke contributed in her efforts to force her way past Bellamy.

Octavia had desperately tried to pull Charlotte away from the scene unfolding before their eyes - the young girl was struggling wildly and was determined not to be removed from the area. Marley stepped forward - after a pleasing look from Octavia - to help move Charlotte towards the tents and to safety just as she began screaming at the crowd before her.

"Just stop, okay? Murphy didn't kill Wells!" The young girl yelled desperately. The raucous crowd fell into an eerie silence at the sudden outburst. "I did!"

There was a moment of harsh realisation, a moment shared between the entire group of teenagers who just a moment ago had been vying for Murphy to be floated.

"Oh my god." Clarke was the first to speak. She grabbed Bellamy's axe, without a second thought, bringing it down upon the black rope which was fixed around Murphy's neck.

The boy fell to the ground with a gasp. He was desperately reaching for breath with harsh gulps, his hands still trying to loosen the noose around his neck so that he could breathe. Finn and around three other teenagers rushed to help only seconds later.

The rest - including Bellamy, Marley, Clarke and Octavia - were stunned into a crushing silence as Charlotte's confession sunk in. She was glancing around nervously; her eyes were darting between the freckled boy and the blonde girl in front of her, begging them and the rest of the young group not to reprimand her the way they did with Murphy.

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"Why, Charlotte?" Bellamy asked.

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