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it's sad to see a child whose innocence has been stolen by misery. ❞

            "AND YOU, what are you doing out here? I almost killed you," Bellamy asked, crossing his arms over his large chest

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"AND YOU, what are you doing out here? I almost killed you," Bellamy asked, crossing his arms over his large chest. "Why aren't you both back at camp?"

"Well, with that guy who was dying, I just- I couldn't listen anymore," Charlotte answered quietly.

Bellamy looked to Marley for an answer - she had hoped she would blend into the tree line and that none of the hunting group had noticed her. Clearly, that hadn't happened and she bit her dry lip harshly before replying. "Clarke told me to look out for her, I panicked and..." She trailed off, sensing that the two boys staring her down - Bellamy and Atom - had got the idea.

"There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl and someone who doesn't know how to shoot." Atom crossed his arms over his chest.

"She can shoot," Bellamy interjected. He glanced slightly at Marley who looked quickly down at her feet. She thought everyone had agreed not to mention the gun situation.

"I'm not little," Charlotte retorted.

"Okay, then. But you can't hunt without a weapon." Bellamy nodded, "Ever killed something before? Who knows, maybe you're good at it?"

He was glancing at Marley again. Her face had turned a bright red colour; she probably looked like a beetroot as she stared down at the leafy floor with a mixture of slight anger, embarrassment and worry.

"I-I'm going back to camp," Marley squeaked, "look after her."

The brunette turned on her heels away from the hunting party. Her breathing was erratic as she made her way back into the trees.

"Lonely Girl!" Bellamy yelled after her, but she ignored his taunting nickname, "Marley!" He called when she didn't reply or make any move to turn back towards him.

The brunette felt a large hand grasp at her wrist softly, tugging her back towards where she'd come from. She turned to see that it was Bellamy who'd caught at her arm.

She couldn't quite read his expression - he had a smirk playing on his pink lips, but his eyes spoke of concern and something far deeper than shallow disregard for anyone else's feelings.

"Do you even know your way back to camp?"

Marley glanced down at her hand, which was still held loosely within the older boy's grasp, and then back up to meet his brown-eyed gaze. She slowly pulled her arm back from him.

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