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            REGRET CREPT UP ON MARLEY AS SLOWLY AS THE SUNLIGHT SEEPING THROUGH THE TINY WINDOW ABOVE HER BED. She'd sat up most of the night, shuffling restlessly beneath her sheets as Elijah snored loudly from across the small room, sprawled out against his mattress. She'd tried to sleep but it just wouldn't come. Regret had forced her eyes open. So, instead, she'd resigned to staring at the metal beams stretching across the ceiling above her bed.

Her wake up call came far too soon; Bellamy came knocking on her door, small tapping noises followed by the soft call of his low voice, still raspy from sleep. He called out her name a couple of times before she managed to answer, words fighting past the lump in her throat, to let him know that she was awake and would be ready in five minutes. She was surprised that he didn't seem mad at her; the call of her name was gentle, not harsh like she'd assumed after she'd left so quickly the night before.

Marley shuffled around the compartment, trying her best not to wake Elijah, though, given the way his cheek was pressed against his pillow, mouth hanging over as increasingly loud snores spilt out, she doubted that would be an issue. He'd tried to persuade Abby to let him go the day before, especially since Marley and Raven were going and he didn't want to be left alone to wander around camp, but she'd stuck firm and refused; he'd barely been up and walking for three days and Marley knew that he was growing restless at the sitting around and watching as everyone else passed by. Sometimes, he was far too stubborn for his own good and she was surprised that he hadn't been lying in wait, ready to leave on their mission to Mount Weather.

She slid through the door and into the dimly lit hallway soundlessly. She was greeted by Bellamy, who smiled a little when he saw her. Marley was glad for the darkness that still settled upon them. She didn't need any questions about her lack of sleep or why the bags under her eyes were the size of crescent moons. They walked in silence through the halls. Marley had no idea who was going with them and Clarke, if anyone even was.

"Why did you decide to come?" Bellamy broke the silence. Marley was glad he hadn't broken it with a question about the night before.

Marley pondered her options for a second. She could say that she wanted to prove something to herself, which was the truth, after all, or she could lie. The lie was the best option. It requires less explaining and sounded slightly less ridiculous. Less pathetic, in a way. "I was getting bored sitting around. I wanted a little adventure."

An adventure? She cursed herself mentally, barely able to conceal the wince that her pulled involuntarily at her eyebrows. Wanting to venture out into maybe one of the most dangerous places on Earth was quite frankly the worst idea anyone could ever have. Leaving her explanation at boredom would have maybe been okay, but an adventure? Now she was starting to sound delusional.

Bellamy let out a small chuckle. He smiled down at her; Marley had no doubt that he knew she was lying. He always seemed to and it was both equal parts annoying and a little flattering. "Fair enough."

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