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potential trigger warning: abuse, violencei would say that this chapter is pretty heavy content-wise so please do read with caution

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potential trigger warning: abuse, violence
i would say that this chapter is pretty heavy content-wise so please do read with caution

IT SEEMED that she, Marley Munroe, was always unhappy. Or scared. Or sad. Or just negative. Scared of the world and sad about what she'd lost and negative about what was going to happen to her and everyone she'd come to know in her short time on the ground.

This particular day, her hands were still trembling from what she'd witnessed. The rest of the group it seemed were still hallucinating — screaming, running, yelling, laughing, though it was far less chaotic than before — while Marley sat alone on a log as Finn paced back and forth behind her in an attempt to calm their campmates. Raven was doing the same while Elijah ran towards her every five minutes with an insistence that they had to dance together.

Marley's breathing was heavy was heavy, however. It had been Finn who'd found her screaming out in terror, hands clutching desperately at the grass and dirt beneath her fingertips. And it had been him who'd brought her back from her insistence that she was to blame for whatever it was she was ranting about.

She wasn't about to tell him what that was; she'd already opened up to Bellamy, even if just a little bit, and that had backfired in the chaos after Murphy had been hung. If she was going to talk to anyone about what she'd seen in her incoherent stupor, it was Bellamy.

The sky had descended into darkness not long before and the moon now hung low in the starless sky. Its silvery light had been halted by the warm glow of the campfire, which Marley sat before. It didn't much help; she was still shivering, though she wasn't sure it was simply because she was cold.

She held in her hands a canteen of cold water but she hadn't been able to muster more than a few mouthfuls; it hurt to do so after all the screaming. Her throat was painfully dry - but her throat stung more than the feeling of going without water for a few more hours.

"What did you see?" Finn asked calmly. His voice was lowered to a whisper, in case anyone was listening in, in an attempt to avoid any uncomfortable questions that may come their way if someone saw Marley's grim expression.

"I can't say."

Finn hummed, pressing no further. "Fair enough."

Marley took a reluctant swing of her water. "Sorry, it's just-"

"Private." Finn chuckled a little but his voice was reassuring. "You don't need to apologise. We've all got secrets." He glanced towards Raven as he spoke, a look of guilt flashing in his eyes.

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