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he stays right there, my last bit of warmth in a world turning to dust.

            ALL WAS silent in the cave

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ALL WAS silent in the cave. It had been since Bellamy asked about the jaguar. The only sound Marley could hear was the slow breathing of Bellamy next to her as he stared at the jagged stone wall ahead. Every so often, he'd glance at Marley as before but, this time, it was as if he was checking that she was okay - she could see him out of the corner of her eye. He'd bite his lip and, occasionally, it seemed as if he was going to speak up again. The silence was never broken though and he continued to stare stoically at the dull cave wall.

It was her own movement that triggered Bellamy to finally speak up. Marley had curled up into a tight ball, trying desperately to preserve what little warmth she had left in her body when the words finally rung through the echoing confines of the cave.

"Marley, why were you in the skybox?" He enquired.

The brunette gulped. She bit down on her chapped lips and glanced over at the older boy sat beside her. His eyebrows were furrowed in what looked like concern.

Marley pressed her lips together and moved to sit up - her back was jammed against the jagged rocks at the back of the cave. It was uncomfortable but - then again - so was the entire situation. "Do you really want to know?"

Bellamy looked away; he stared ahead of him towards the mouth of the cave. "You're just so-"

"Weak?" Marley interjected. "Pathetic?"

"Cautious." A more polite way of saying those things.

Marley's eyes scanned over her thumbs as she twiddled them. She wondered why she was able to tell Jasper and Monty why she'd been dropped to earth alongside them so easily, but she was having trouble getting the words out now that Bellamy had questioned her on the subject.

Maybe it was his inexplicably intimidating nature or the fact that she wasn't one hundred percent sure that he was a good guy.

On the other hand, she'd rather Bellamy heard her version of events - the truth of what happened - than hear some warped version told by Tate or one of his followers. A version which made her out to be a murderous kleptomaniac. Tate stole the truth and warped it, twisting it to fit his own lies.

"You don't have to tell me," Bellamy whispered. It was only then that she realized she'd been silent and staring absently at the wall of the cave in front of her. "It's just, you don't exactly seem like the kind of person who would be..."

"No... no, it's fine." She replied, "It's just..."

The freckled man lowered his voice to a whisper, "How bad is it?"

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