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            "LET'S PLAY Drunkball!" Jasper yelled so loudly and suddenly into Marley's ear that she flinched gasping audibly as the sound rung through her

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"LET'S PLAY Drunkball!" Jasper yelled so loudly and suddenly into Marley's ear that she flinched gasping audibly as the sound rung through her. Elijah, who had already been giggling at something, tipped his head back, fits of laughter wracked his body.

            Marley, on the other hand, was only slightly tipsy. The moonshine Monty and Jasper burnt her throat every time she took a sip; at first, she'd been too much of a wuss to try and push past that but, at the very least, the little that she'd managed had gone straight to her head. She thought that alcohol would make her more energetic, more extroverted, maybe. But, instead, her eyelids felt heavy and she found herself falling asleep, jolting herself awake as her head fell backwards. She wondered if, the more she drank, the more she'd liven up.

            It was Jasper's yell that brought her out of her sleepy haze. She blinked as he and Monty laughed along with Elijah. She crinkled her eyebrows closed as they did, not out of confusion as to why they were laughing at her but because she had absolutely no idea what Drunkball was - or even if she wanted to be involved in such a thing.

            "What's Drunkball?" She questioned through their laughter, her own giggles spilling from her lips at their hysterical reaction to something so small as Marley being startled. It was a surreal moment; of those friends she had on the Ark, they only tolerated her because she was the girl who trailed Tate like a lost puppy. They had to talk to her, had to smile at her. But Elijah, Jasper and Monty had no such obligation.

            As horribly cliche as it sounded — like a passage lifted straight from the few books which her grandmother had owned — there was a warmth in her heart. A kind of fluttering realisation that maybe, just maybe, not everyone had bad intentions.

"We play ball and we get drunk." Jasper shrugged. "It's fun!"

Monty handed her some sort of makeshift ball — she wasn't sure what exactly it was made from, probably some sort of metal. "When we say you get drunk, we mean you get really drunk."

            "Just aim the ball at the cup," Elijah instructed.

            "Then what?"

            He raised his eyebrows. "Well, you throw it." He chuckled.

            "One... two..." Jasper began his countdown. "Thr-"

            "Jasper!" Bellamy voice came booming from behind them; Marley almost jumped out of her skin, the ball leaving her grip and flying off in the wrong direction, completely missing her intended target.

            "Dammit," Marley groaned.

            "I don't think that's where it's supposed to go." Elijah teased. The girl sent him a pointed look and poked him in the side with her elbow, which only drew a massive ear-to-ear grin onto his face.

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