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Scarlett Johnson

After waking up that next morning, I stared up at the ceiling dreading the awkward breakfast my Mom was preparing downstairs.

The smell of bacon filled my room making it hard for me to focus on anything else.

Aaliyah lied on my floor curled up in a purple fuzzy blanket with her eyes glued to her phone.


I smiled down at her and she grinned back.

"Good morning!"

She giggled.

I headed for my closet and glanced back and forth down the row of shirts hanging up.

I settled on a black t shirt with a red rose on its front upper pocket, along with it I pulled out a pair of blue skinny jeans and slid into some jandals.

I made my way down stairs leaving with Aaliyah right behind me and out of nowhere I was surrounded at the entrance to the kitchen, Shawn on my left, Manuel on my right and Aaliyah right behind me on the stairs.

My Mom glanced through the archway to see us all awkwardly still, everything so new and strange.

They were all complete strangers to me, well I new a lot about Shawn and it surprisingly hadn't come up that I had been a super fan not too long ago, his music was amazing.

   After an awkward silence as we stood there in the kitchen my Mom nervously giggled and her face turned a bright shade of red.

"Let's eat!"

  She pronounced and we all quietly followed her into the dining room.

  After taking our seats at the table she instantly said something that took us all off guard.

"We have some news, we're moving to Canada this coming week!"

  She exclaimed happily, I didn't think the room could get any quieter, but at this rate I bet a small ant could be heard walking across our kitchen floor.

I glanced across the table to see Aaliyah shaking her head with an eyeroll.

"Mom what do you mean we're moving to Canada?"

I asked, she smiled over at me from across the dining room table, Manuel at her side.

Her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun and her green eyes identical to mine shined in the bright kitchen light.

Manuel had his thick dark hair combed nicely, it still looked wet from a shower.

I glanced to my right to see that Shawn was staring over at me, watching it all slowly sink in.

His hazel chocolate eyes were saying something, but I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

"Sweetie, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but I promise you'll be alright and everything will work itself out."

She told me, Manuel then made a strange grunting noise, and my eyes were directed over to him.

"Scarlett, you are absolutely going to love it there, Pickering is a beautiful place."

He said with a grin as if he were someone showing a product off in one of those stupid commercials on TV.

I glared at him, I was not at all in the mood to listen to anything he had to say.

My main reasoning behind that because he was the cause of all this nonsense.

"I'm going to go for a walk."

I told everyone, I hurriedly stood from my chair and practically bolted for the front door.

  I slipped into my jean jacket hanging by the door and made my way out and down the front walkway.

After a few seconds I suddenly heard the front door close again behind me, I turned around half expecting my Mom to be following me, but surprisingly it was Shawn.

I didn't realize I froze in place, my eyes were glued to him as he made his way over to me.

"Wanna talk about it?"

He asked me once he was a few feet away, I shook my head and continued on down the sidewalk.

He didn't seem to get that I wanted to be alone, so of course he stayed at my side.

Eventually I couldn't take the slapping of mine and his shoes on the cement, so I finally broke the silence and spoke.


I asked out of nowhere, Shawn let out a soft chuckle, and it took him a moment to answer.

"What about it?"

He asked, I glanced over at him to see his eyes were already sparkling down on me.

"Am I absolutely going to love it?"

I asked, I attempted to impersonate how Manuel had said it earlier.

Shawn laughed loudly and grinned over at me, my eyes fell back ahead of us seconds later feeling a little shy.

"First of all that impression was pretty spot on, and second you're going to love Pickering!"

He told me, which led me to laugh.

"You better not be lying to me Mendes."

I told him quietly, I looked over to see his eyebrows raised, which caused me to laugh even harder.

"Don't worry Scarlett, I wouldn't lie to you."

He told me quietly, my cheeks began to turn red for some unknown reason.

   I shook his comment off and stopped in my tracks, it took him a moment to realize that I wasn't beside him.

"I think we should head back,  I guess I've got a room to pack!"

I told him with a smile, he grinned with a nod.

"I'll take that as an invitation to help you out."

He responded shortly, his grin never faded.

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