We Can't Hide Forever

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Shawn Mendes

    "Baby, what's wrong?"

I asked Scarlett from the hotel bed, even though I already knew the answer.

She sighed and placed her phone on the nightstand and lied beside me, I wrapped my arms around her and held on tightly. 

   "My Mom has called a million times... She won't stop."

She told me quietly, I kissed her temple gently, then realized she still had the bandage covering her cut from a few days ago.

   "How's your head?"

I asked brushing off her comment about the phone calls, I knew I couldn't put the topic off for long, but I tried.

   "I don't know, I should probably look at it."

She told me, she sat up from my chest and stood from the bed.

She vanished into the bathroom seconds later, and I got up and followed after her.

    I entered the room to see her leaning closely to the mirror, she had began to pry the white bandage from her temple, she winced here and there.

  I stepped behind her and turned her to face me once the bandage was all the way off.

    I examined the deep cut and turned her head side to side, her eyes never left my face.

   Without saying anything I grabbed a wash cloth from the countertop behind her and wetted it down in the sink, I brought it to her head and began to dab at the dried up blood.

   After discarding the towel I stroked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear causing her to blush. 


She said quietly, I sighed already knowing what she was going to say. 

   "I think it's time that we go home."

She told me quietly, I dropped my hand from her face and my eyes widened, that was something I didn't expect.  


I asked in a dazed shocked, I could tell the worry was getting to her.

Her eyes had dark bangs under them, and her skin was paler than normal, she also hadn't been eating much the past few days.

   "We can't hide forever."

She whispered, I could see her hands shaking at her sides.

  So being a good boyfriend and not snapping, I entwined our hands in front of us and squeezed lightly.

    "Okay princess, we'll go home."

I whispered before pecking her forehead lightly.

   I didn't want to go home, but I was so worried about her, she didn't need anymore stress.

      I hated that I was the cause of all of it.

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