Leo The Lion

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Scarlett Johnson

   "I think that's the last of it!"

  Shawn told me happily after he placed the last box on the floor of the studio.

  I looked up from the floor and met his eyes with a smile.

"Okay, now you can help me unpack everything!"

  I told him with a laugh, he chuckled and stepped over a few boxes before he took a seat beside me on the hardwood floor.

I had been sitting surrounded by boxes for the past few hours while Shawn and Manuel continued to pile them around me, and my butt was starting to hurt.

"Where to start?"

  He asked, I opened one of the boxes in front of me and tried not to laugh, but couldn't help it.

I reached in and pulled out Leo the lion, Shawn's eyes widened at the sight, he quickly reached over and snatched it from my hands.

"You weren't supposed to see that!"

  He quickly said, I giggled and continued rummaging through the box in front of me, which all turned out to just be Shawn's socks and underwear.

  Why did he have Leo the lion in his underwear drawer?

"Awe, my sweet little baby!"

  I told him, I reached over and ruffled his already messy hair.

"Okay, okay I have a stuffed animal!"

  He chuckled out as he pushed my hand away.

  I stood up and picked the box up as well, I poured all of it into Shawn's top dresser drawer and closed it lightly.

"Babe, should I set up my bed or yours?"

  He asked, I quickly turned around to see him standing between the two beds.


I quickly said staring at his boring wooden bed, he laughed.

"How about your frame, and my mattress. Sorry, but babe mine wins the comfort contest."

  He told me with a laugh, I smiled and nodded.

   I went back to emptying mine and Shawn's clothes into his dresser, and once done I found all of my personal hygiene things and put everything away into the brand new bathroom that Shawn and Manuel had built over the past few days.

   I came out of the bathroom after an hour of organizing to see Shawn placing our pillows on the nicely made bed.

  My blue and grey blanket rested on top, how lucky I was that he didn't put his on it.


  Shawn stated, he collapsed onto the made bed and patted the space beside him.

   I slowly made my way over and lied beside him, he entwined our hands between the two of us and sighed.

   "Our place."

  He said happily, I giggled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

  Once I pulled back I realized he had placed Leo the lion on the shelf beside the door, cute, I thought with a smile not thinking much of  it.

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