Waiting Up

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Scarlett Johnson

Shawn ended up taking Adara bowling that night and for some odd reason I found myself waiting up for him.

It was almost midnight when I heard the dead bolt click out of place.

I watched as Shawn entered the house through the front door, he was in all black.

I was in the living room lying on the couch when he saw me.


Shawn said as he entered the room, I looked up at him and met his eyes in the dim light, they sparkled down at me.


I whispered back, everyone was asleep in the house.

"Why are you up so late?"

He asked as he removed his leather jacket, he placed it over the back of the couch and ran a hand through his thick brown hair.

"Nothing just watching TV."

I told him, I didn't want to admit that I had waited up for him to see how his date had gone.

"Mind if I join?"

He questioned, I slowly nodded a little surprised and he took the seat beside me.

We both stared at the TV for a few moments before he spoke up again.

"Why'd you do it?"

He asked out of nowhere taking me by surprise.

"Do what?"

I asked, I looked over at him to see that all his attention was still on the TV.

"I mean, why'd you put me on the spot with asking Adara out?"

He asked, he finally looked over at me, sadness in his tired eyes.

I knew that I had hurt him by doing that, he liked me, and he probably thought I'd never like him back.

"Shawn... I had too."

I told him, he stared at me a little confused.

"Had too?"

He asked with his eyebrows raised, I sat up straighter and I could feel my cheeks turning warmer.

I was going to tell him the truth...

"Scar, what is it?"

He asked, I hadn't noticed that he scooted closer, our thighs were touching.

My eyes drifted to my lap and before I knew it Shawn's hands rested on mine.

"I had too... Because- because I like you Shawn, okay I really like you."

I finally stuttered out, I couldn't bare to look up to see his reaction.

It was quiet for a few moments before he spoke, I felt his fingertips glide underneath my chin, and he pulled my face up to look at him.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the sudden contact.

"I like you too Scarlett..."

He whispered back, and the next thing I knew he was leaning in to kiss me.

Before his lips could reach mine, I quickly pulled back and bolted for the stairs.


I heard him desperately whisper, I ignored him and hurried into my room and locked the door behind me in a rush.

What had I done?

Was all I could think as I collapsed onto my bed, I covered my face with my hands and sighed loudly.

I had messed everything up, he knew that I liked him.

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