The Proposal

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Scarlett Johnson

My jaw dropped.

Shawn knelt in front of me down on one knee, he had popped the question of marriage.

I had just turned eighteen.

Was I even ready for such a commitment?

What would people think?

I could already imagine the rumor of the eighteen year old Scarlett Johnson, pregnant fluttering its way around the universe.

I realized if I said yes, the entire world would know Shawn and I had a relationship, was I willing to release the secret?

Shawn's hand tightened on mine bringing me back to reality, but I already knew what I was going to say.

Despite the fear of the unknown I said the unthinkable, most unreasonable, selfish thing I could ever say.

"Of course baby, yes, yes yes!"

I squealed out in excitement, his eyes lit up instantly at my words.

He took my hand in his and gently slid the medium sized diamond ring onto my finger.

  He quickly stood up just in time to catch me as I leapt into his arms, I tightened my grip on his sweatshirt, that's when happy tears of joy began to fill my eyes.

     "I love you."

Shawn gently whispered in my ear.

I couldn't believe what was happening, it was all so much.

Everything was happening so fast, Shawn had proposed and I had said yes, it was all falling into place, but it almost seemed too good to be true.

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