Anywhere, But Here!

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  Shawn Mendes

     "Baby!!! You did amazing out there!"

  Scarlett told me after I had gotten off stage, she jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me.  

    "Awe thanks my love."

  I whispered in her ear, before I let go of her I whispered one more thing.

    "I sure did enjoy the view."

  I whispered, once she pulled back her face was bright red.

  "Shut up!"

  She giggled and playfully punched me in the arm.

   "You two get a room already!"

  I heard someone call from behind me in an Irish accent, Scarlett's eyes lit up.

  I turned around to see Niall Horan walking towards us, an acoustic guitar strapped over his back.

   "Niall! What's up buddy?"

  I asked, once he was close enough I brought him in for a brotherly hug.

    "So this is your girl?"

  Niall asked, I nodded and draped an arm across Scarlett's shoulders.

   "Yep, Niall this is Scarlett."

  I told him, he grinned and stuck out his hand for Scarlett to shake.

   "Nice to meet ya love, I've heard so much about you."

  He said quietly, once he had dropped her hand his blue eyes met mine again.

   "Well I actually am up next, and mate you did great out there!"

  He told me, I thanked him by hugging him once more.

   "Thanks mate! Good luck out there, we'll have to catch up sometime soon!"

  I told him, he nodded and with a pat on the shoulder he disappeared onto the stage.

    I turned to face my beautiful girlfriend, her eyes were beginning to grow tired, it had been a long day for the both of us.

   "Let's get out of here."

  I whispered, she nodded and I kissed her head lightly.

  I took her hand and led her toward the back exit, not bothering to tell John where we were going.

     "Shawn wait."

  Scarlett said once we were outside approaching the nearest street to summon a taxi.

  I stopped not really knowing what she was doing, but before I knew it she had raised my grey hood over my head and placed a pair of sunglasses over my eyes.

    Next thing I knew her lips landed on mine and she held us there for a few silent moments.

   The only sounds around us car horns, and the sound of the city being brought to life as the moon began to rise.

    "Lets go."

   She whispered taking my hand again, with that we stood on the edge of the street and I called for a taxi.

    Moments later one pulled in front of us and we both hopped inside, once the door was closed the man driving turned around to face us.

    "Where to Mr and Ms?"

  He asked, I met Scarlett's eyes for a short second then faced the driver.

    "Anywhere, but here!"

  Scarlett spoke up taking me by surprise, before I knew it the driver had us speeding down the road to our unknown destination.

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