A Good Morning

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Scarlett Johnson

I remembered where I was as soon as his cologne filled my lungs.

I slowly opened my eyes, the curtains in the hotel room shut, rays of morning light tried to seep through.

I rolled over to face him, his mouth was slightly open, and his brown hair was a mess from sleep.

I smiled at the sight, with our faces inches apart, I leaned in and gently kissed his cheek.

He began to stir, and after a moment he opened his hazel brown eyes.

He smiled a tired smile and let out a loud yawn, stretching in the process.

"Good morning beautiful."

He said after he scooted closer to face me, our noses practically touching.


I said, my cheeks turned hot.

"How did you sleep?"

He asked quietly, his hand found my cheek, and his thumb began to trace up and down my jawline.


I whispered, he grinned and leaned in, our lips brushed sweetly for a few seconds.

"How about you handsome?"

I asked him, he couldn't wipe the silly grin off his face.


He replied shortly, he wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my face into his chest.

The best way to wake up in the morning, to be held by my handsome boyfriend, not a worry in the world as we both lied there.

"You know what we should do today?"

Shawn asked me after a quiet moment, I sighed and kissed his neck lightly.


I asked softly, I could tell I had sent a wave of goosebumps through his body.

"Spontaneous bowling!"

He told me, I giggled loudly and raised my head to meet his eyes.


I asked curiously, he smiled and pecked my  nose.

"What? Can I not take my gorgeous girl out on a date?"

He asked quietly, I grinned.

"Alright Mendes, you're on!"

I told him with a laugh, he kissed my lips softly and pulled me back to his chest, what a morning.

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