Lunch Date

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Scarlett Johnson

"Shawn! Stop tickling me!"

I giggled out, the two of us had ended up going out to the nearest restaurant, which turned out to be Olive Garden.

Shawn pulled the door open for me and I entered with him following closely behind me.

I could tell that some people noticed Shawn, but no one bothered him.

"How many?"

A women greeted the two of us, Shawn grinned over at me.

"Two please."

He said quietly, she nodded and we both followed her to a quiet booth in the corner of the restaurant.

After taking our seats across from each other, the waitress handed the two of us menus and disappeared.

"What are you in the mood for?"

Shawn asked me, I flipped through the menu and decided on the Alfredo pasta.

"What about you?"

I asked him I folded my menu back up and placed it on the edge of the table.

"The spaghetti looks good!"

Shawn told me, I giggled which caused him to meet my eyes.


He asked, I continued to laugh.

"It's just that I thought you hated tomatoes?"

I asked him, he began to laugh along with me.

"How'd you know that?"

He questioned, I smiled and rested my hands on the tabletop.

"I hear things."

I whispered, he grinned.

"How about we just share some Alfredo?"

He asked, I nodded and he placed his hands on top of mine and entwined our fingers together.

"So what will it be?"

The waitress was back and gave me a slight heart attack, Shawn turned to face her.

"We'll just take the Alfredo, and two waters please."

Shawn told her, she nodded and slid the menus off the table and into her arms.

"I'll have that right out!"

She said perkily before she vanished off into the kitchen.

"You know what?"

Shawn asked me after a moment.


  I asked interested in what he had to say, he smiled and began to trace the inside of my palm with his thumb.

"I like this."

He stated, which confused me a little.

"What do you mean?"

I asked, he flashed his pearly whites at me and his eyes drifted to our tangled hands.

"I mean, being out in public with you, I like that we don't have to hide."

He whispered, he lifted his head to meet my gaze.

"I like it too."

I whispered back, I grinned as he leaned in over the table.

He lightly pecked my lips before he pulled back.

"And I plan on doing that a lot more."

He whispered which led my cheeks to turn dark red.

"Shut up Mendes."

I told him, he chuckled and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

"I love you."

He whispered in my ear before he pulled back again.

"I love you too."

I whispered back, he smiled and seconds later the waitress arrived with our plate of Alfredo pasta.

"Wow that was quick, thank you!"

I said and the women walked away with a smile on her face.

We both dug into the pasta, and made light conversation as we did so, but little did we know there was a man outside that happened to snap a few pictures.

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