Unwanted Hell

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Scarlett Johnson

   "I'm sorry Mom."

  I whispered after we had been sitting in the quiet car for almost thirty minutes, I had to break the silence.

"Scarlett, I don't want to talk about it now."

  She said quietly, I knew she was mad and bound to snap at any given moment.

"I'm just... Very disappointed in you."

My Mom told me, her voice cracked mid sentence.

  "I know..."

  I said quietly, she pulled the car onto Adelaide Street, it was getting late out.

  "Your putting our family through unwanted hell."

  She stated her voice started to grow louder.

   "Mom, don't you think I know that, I understand what we did was wrong alright."

  I told her, my own voice began to rise.

   The two of us pulled into the driveway of our house, my Mom cut the car engine and turned to face me after she unbuckled.

   "No, you don't just get to apologize and get it over with that easy, I don't want you being alone with Shawn anymore."

  She told me in a serious tone, something snapped inside of me.

   "And how's that going to happen exactly?"

  I asked back with a little sarcasm, my Mom raised her eyebrows at me. 

   "That's what I've decided, and that's final."

  She told me in a deathly tone, her eyes locked onto mine, they were darker than usual.  

  "Whatever good luck with that!"

  I called over my shoulder as I hopped out of the car, I slammed my door harder then I meant to, and scampered up the pathway to the front door.

  Once inside I turned to see Manuel watching me from the living room, his arms folded across his chest.

  "She's coming."

Was all I said before I disappeared up the stairs and into my bedroom.

   As soon as I lied down on my bed, my cell began to vibrate beside me, I picked it up to see a few messages from Shawn.

Shawn: Text me when you get there beautiful😘

Shawn: I love you! ❤️

Shawn: I really hope your Mom goes easy on you love. 😊

    I quickly responded back, I had to tell him what my Mom had said.

Scarlett: I made it, with an awkwardly silent car ride home with my Mom... And I love you baby! 😘

   Shawn: Oh no! Did she go full out mama bear on you? Awe babe... ❤️

Scarlett: She basically is forbidding me to see you.

Scarlett: Let's just say she wasn't too happy.

Shawn: What about my old man?

Scarlett: I didn't talk to him, but he didn't look happy either... 💩

Shawn: We'll have to figure this all out when I get home... Baby you should get some sleep and I'll text you tomorrow.

Scarlett: Alright my handsome, I love you... 😘

Shawn: I love you too Princess, goodnight! 😘

Scarlett: Goodnight😍😍😍

   I rolled over and turned my phone off and placed it gently on my nightstand, I was extremely exhausted from the long flight from LA.

    I ended up falling asleep to Shawn's first album, listening to his voice calmed me and made me forget about all the bad things in my life.

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