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Scarlett Johnson

   "Babe, don't be nervous they're all going to love you!"

   Shawn told me as we entered through some side doors into the huge Staples Center.  

    "Shawn, you know that's not what I'm worried about."

  I told him, he draped an arm across my shoulders and pulled me tightly to his side.

   "I promise you, nobody will know."

  He whispered, he kissed my temple and continued to hold onto me as we headed for the backstage area. 

    Everything was so strange, I couldn't believe that we were actually in the Staples Center, and I couldn't believe that Shawn was playing it.

    We ended up on the main stage, and my eyes stared out at the rows and rows of seats that extended in every direction.


  I said loudly, Shawn took my hand and led me to the edge of the stage right front and center.

  He sat down and swung his legs over the side and I copied.

    "Are you nervous?"

  I asked him after a moment of taking in the view.

   "Not really, I will be though."

  Shawn told me, I smiled over at him.

  He placed a hand on my thigh and began to trace circles with his thumb.


  We both heard someone call from behind us, we both turned to see Camila Cabello walking towards us.

   Her dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun and her brown eyes sparkled in the dim light of the stage.

She was wearing grey sweatpants and a light pink tank top, I noticed one of the straps sliding down her arm.

  Shawn quickly stood up and pulled me up with him.

    "Camila! Hey what's up?"

  Shawn asked, he brought Camila in for a short hug after she stood in front of us, once he pulled away his hand was back in mine.

    "Nothing much, ready for this?"

  She asked as she gestured towards the chairs that surrounded them, Shawn laughed with a nod.

   "And who might this be?"

  Camila asked, she eyed me up and down, the smile never left her face.

   "Oh sorry, Camila this is my girlfriend Scarlett, Scarlett this is Camila."

  Shawn introduced the two of us, I tried not to laugh.

  I already knew who she was, who didn't?

    "Nice to meet you."

  I told her I stuck out my hand for a friendly handshake.

   "Nice to meet you too!" 

  Camila said ignoring my hand and pulling me in for a tight hug.

  I giggled a little surprised, she was super sweet.

   "Shawn, we need to talk more. I can't believe you finally found a girlfriend!"

  Camila told him, he laughed, she smiled and glanced over her shoulder.

   "I should probably get going, the bands probably looking for me."

  Camila told us, Shawn and I both nodded.

   "It was really nice to see you Shawn, and nice to meet you Scarlett. We'll have to catch up sometime!"

  Before we knew it she was practically trotting off towards the backstage doors.

    "Well she was interesting."

  I said quietly once I was sure Camila couldn't hear.

  "Ya, she's super friendly, I'm sure you two will become great friends."

  Shawn told me, I eyed him skeptically.

   "Ya sure."

  I said, I didn't mean to sound so negative, but my thoughts drifted to the fact that now there was another person added to the list of people that knew.

    Shawn kissed my cheek and pulled me in for a hug.

   "How about lunch?"

  He questioned, I pulled back and kissed his lips gently.

   "I'll take that as a yes."

Shawn whispered which caused me giggle, he pecked my nose and we both headed for the exit, food on both our minds.

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