The Boy Called Nash

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Scarlett Johnson

Once we had finished getting ready for school we headed for Pine Ridge.

I was extremely nervous, I had never had to go through the process of transferring schools and I was definitely not looking forward to it.

Almost half of senior year was over and everyone had grown up together, I was going to be a loner and stand out of the crowd.

Which was the last thing I wanted.

Shawn and I were quiet as we walked, it wasn't very far and it wasn't too chilly out.

We made it to pine ridge minutes later.

The big structure stared us down as we approached.

Students flooded inside as we slowly made our way to the entrance.

Not realizing it Shawn had disappeared without saying anything, leaving me alone to figure things out on my own.

Wrangling the day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

My first two classes flew by in a blink of an eye.

After the bell rang for lunch I made my way out into the crowded hallway, assuming that if I followed everyone I'd end up in the cafeteria.

"Shawn wait up!"

    I called once I saw him ahead of me in the hall, he turned around and his hazel eyes landed on me.

I hurried over to him and stood a few feet away, the smile on his face only grew wider by the second.

"Hey Scar, what's up?"

   He asked, I smiled up at him, plan find out who Nash is was just beginning.

"Can I eat lunch with you today?"

    I asked, he looked a little surprised by this.

"Ya I was just going to find some of my friends, but I can eat with you."

He told me, I shook my head and laughed.

  "Shawn it's fine, I kind of want to meet new people, with this new school and all."

   I told him with a wink, he looked a little uneasy, but eventually nodded.

We both started for the cafeteria, and I couldn't help but notice his eyes on me the entire walk.


   A boy yelled from a table full of people, Shawn waved and we started over for them.

    "Who's this?"

   A girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes asked, Shawn smiled over at me.

   "My step sister Scarlett."

   Shawn told everyone, I scanned my eyes over all his friends faces, only to see one guy who had the hugest smirk across his face and his eyes watched me.

    "Nash, lets go get some food... Oh Adara, can Scarlett sit with you?"

    Shawn asked as he turned to face the girl with the blonde hair, she smiled over at me and patted the empty seat beside her.

   I took the seat and watched as Shawn and the boy Nash headed for the lunch lines.

     "So, Scarlett... What's it like having a hot famous brother?"

   Adara asked me, she smiled over at me, and my cheeks turned a little red.

    "He's a normal guy... and hot?"

    I questioned her almost in a whisper, she smiled with a laugh.

   "Any girl that doesn't think Shawn isn't the slightest attractive is crazy, I mean look at him."

    She told me, I glanced over my shoulder to see Shawn, he was standing in a line with Nash, and they looked to be in a deep conversation.

   "Just saying, the girl that ends up with him is pretty lucky."

   She told me, I nodded and eventually blocked her voice out as all my attention was focused on Shawn.

    I watched as they grabbed their food and eventually wondered back over to our table.

   Nash knew, he knew that Shawn liked me.

  I couldn't help, but watch the way the two acted around each other, Shawn seemed a little nervous as he took the seat beside me.  

    "What are you two talking about?"

    He asked, Adara raised her eyebrows at me, and I finally spoke up after a few awkward seconds.

   "Oh, umm... Adara was just telling me that she thinks your hot actually."

   I told him, Adara's face turned bright red and she nudged me in the arm.

    Shawn's eyes widened as he looked over at her, I had no clue why I did it, but it seemed logical at the time.

     "You should ask her out."

  I told him randomly putting it out there, Shawn's eyes drifted to me, they seemed to be a little sad.

    "Umm, ya sure... Adara would you like to go out sometime?"

   He asked awkwardly, I mean I did kind of put him on the spot, Adara's eyes lit up immediately.

  "I'd love too."

She said with the biggest grin across her face, even though she also knew Shawn didn't really want to ask her out in the first place.

    The rest of the lunch period was awkwardly silent, well between Shawn and I.

   I had my reasons for setting him up with his friend Adara.

I knew that if he didn't date around I'd be more tempted to do something I'd regret.

    It was for the best, I told myself over and over again.

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