No Happy Self

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Scarlett Johnson

"Scarlett! There you are!"

I heard Blake call from behind me, the bell had just rang and I was waiting for him out front.


I said with a smile, he grinned and took a step closer to me, our faces were literally less than a foot apart.

I hesitantly took a small step back trying to keep the distance between the two of us reasonable.

"So you wanted to talk?"

I asked after a moment, he nodded and suddenly took another step towards me, I began to feel a little uncomfortable at his sudden urge to stand so close.

"Ya... I umm actually wanted to see if you would want to go out with me sometime?"

He asked, I tried my best to not let my mouth fly open at his sudden question.

"Umm, sorry I'm seeing someone."

I told him quickly, he raised his eyebrows and glanced over his shoulder.

"Oh do I know him?"

He asked, his cheeks had turned a little red with embarrassment.

"Nope, he doesn't go here... But sorry I have to go."

I told him once I caught a glimpse of Shawn behind him.

I quickly started past him and hurried off to catch up with Shawn, he had started for the pathway that led away from the school.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and leapt onto his back.

"Hey baby!"

I squealed once I was sure no one could hear me, he laughed quietly for a moment before I hopped off.

"How was your day?"

I asked, he met my gaze a little confused.

"Scarlett, what's going on?"

He asked sounding a little annoyed, I shrugged and grinned.

"What do you mean?"

I asked him, his eyes fell back ahead of the two of us as we continued to walk.

"You are your happy self one minute, then the next thing I know your like a completely different person."

He told me, I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to notice.

He stopped and turned to face me after a moment, he took a step towards me and placed a hand on my cheek.

"It's because she left... Isn't it?"

He questioned, I nodded and started to feel the tears coming on.

He wiped them away and leaned in to kiss my forehead, I grabbed his arm and held on tightly.

"I'm sorry..."

I whispered, he sighed above me and pulled back.

"Come on, lets go home..."

He whispered, I nodded and we started off for home, but little did the two of us know that Blake Rayment had been watching the whole little event take place not too far behind us.

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