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Scarlett Johnson


   I heard Shawn whisper at the door, I rolled over to check the time on my alarm clock, 3:00am.

  I sat up slowly not really sure of what was going on, once my eyes focused they landed on the dark figure shutting my bedroom door.

   "Shawn, what are you doing?"

  I whispered, he tiptoed over to the edge of my bed and took a seat in front of me.

    "Couldn't sleep..."

  He told me quietly, I could tell he was smiling just by the way he spoke.


   I questioned which led him to laugh.

"Can I stay with you?"

   He asked which took me by surprise, I shifted my position and realized I was only in my oversized t-shirt and my bright pink underwear.

  "Shawn, our parents are downstairs..."

   I told him, he scooted in closer to me, my eyes had adjusted enough to where I could see his tired ones.


  He whispered, I finally agreed giving into his puppy dog eyes, I scooted over to the other side of the bed and allowed him to climb in.

   I lifted the blankets to let him under, and I rested my head back onto my pillow and closed my eyes.

    After a few moments of Shawn moving around nonstop, I felt him press his body up against mine, at once I noticed he happened to not be wearing a shirt, he was only in shorts.


   I asked, it took him a second to respond.


  He questioned, I blushed lightly.

"May I ask why you aren't wearing a shirt?"

  I asked him, I felt his chest rise and fall from his silent chuckling.

  "It's hot in here."

  He told me, with that I turned around to face him, his eyes were open and I could fully see him in the moon light seeping in through my curtains.

    "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

  He asked, my cheeks seemed to flush even more.

   "Shut up!"

  I whisper yelled, he smirked and started to lean in.

  Before I knew it his lips were softly fitted to mine, I smiled as he brought his hand up to my waist.

    Next thing I knew my hands were tangled in his brown hair, his body grew closer and closer to mine.

   I pulled back as he leaned in for another kiss, I pulled back again which led him to groan in frustration.

   "It's late, and we have school tomorrow."

  I whispered a little out of breath, he smiled and kissed my forehead lightly. 

    "Goodnight Scarlett..."

  He whispered, I could see he had closed his eyes.

   "Goodnight Shawn..."

  I whispered back I brought my hand up to his cheek and I softly traced his jawline with my fingertips.

     I rested my head on his bare chest and he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

   I eventually fell asleep to the sound of Shawn quietly snoring in my ear, everything was perfect.

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