"Where Were We?"

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Scarlett Johnson

I woke up Saturday dreading everything.

How was I supposed to act normal and avoid Shawn all together?

If my Mom or Manuel ever found out about any of it, who knew what would happen.

After I finished getting dressed into some black skinny jeans and a dark blue t-shirt, I pulled my long golden hair up into a messy ponytail and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I didn't really want to go downstairs, but I had spent hours debating whether or not I was hungry enough.

So with it being almost two in the afternoon I found myself in the kitchen with a sandwich in front of me.

Soon after eating half the sandwich I heard footsteps behind me, and I could already tell by the sound that it was my Mom.

"Oh hey Scarlett, I was actually looking for you. Manny and I are going out to run errands for the day."

She told me.

"We are also going to see a movie as well, so plan on us being home around eleven or twelve tonight."

She quickly added, my stomach dropped at her words.

I'd be home alone in the house with Shawn and Aaliyah, but I soon remembered Aaliyah had gone to a friends for the weekend.

"Okay Mom, I might go hangout with some friends or something."

I told her as I tried to find a way to get out of the house, my Mom smiled and grabbed her purse from the countertop.

"Sweetie, that's just great that you are making some friends! Go out and have fun, but not too much fun!"

She told me, she pecked my cheek before she disappeared out the garage door. What was that supposed to mean?


I heard Shawn ask from behind me not even a second later, I sighed and continued on eating my sandwich.

"Please talk to me."

He spoke, I continued to ignore him, what would I say to him after last night?

"Tell me- what's wrong?"

He questioned, I could tell he was stuttering out of nerves, maybe even worry.

"Shawn, there's nothing to say about anything... So can we please just go back to the way things were?"

I asked him, I picked up my plate and set it down gently in the sink.

For a moment it was silent, all until I felt his chest up against my back.

"What if I can't?"

He asked, his mouth was inches from my ear, goosebumps ran up my arms in a hot rush.

I quickly turned and headed away from him in an attempt to get to the stairs.

Before I could make it, I felt his hand lock onto my wrist, he spun me around in his grasp and I collided into his chest.

"Talk to me..."

He whispered, his chocolate eyes bore into mine practically melting right through me.

"Shawn... We can't..."

I whispered as I tried to resist the urge of temptation.

Everything would be messed up if anything happened between the two of us, what would happen to our parents relationship?

I began to lean in, our faces centimeters apart, his hands were firmly placed on my hips as he held me in place.

When suddenly we both heard the front door lock click, and the door swung open seconds later.

I pulled away as quickly as I could back from Shawn, and Shawn disappeared into the kitchen.

Aaliyah entered the house, with tear filled eyes.

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