Our Home

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Shawn Mendes

   I woke up to my side of the bed sinking in, I opened my eyes to see
Scarlett beside me, a tray of food in her arms.

   I slowly sat up and grinned over at her, she placed the tray on my lap and smiled.

  I stared in awe at the pile of French toast and eggs before me, my mouth watering.


  I asked in complete amazement, she giggled and crossed her legs on the blankets.

"Ran to the house earlier."

She told me with a grin, I smiled and leaned across the tray to kiss her lightly on the lips.

"Go on, eat it before it turns cold."

  She told me, I smiled and began to dig in.

  I watched as she wandered the room, her eyes drifted from place to place until they landed on Leo the lion, they lingered for a moment before she continued to roam.

  My heart stopped, my fear was her finding out what I was hiding inside inside of Leo.

  I had been hiding it in a little opening in his back, and the day we moved in, when she pulled him out of the box, I was praying she wouldn't notice, I had been lucky.

"We need to get some decorations."

  She said out of nowhere, I finished up the rest of the food and met her eyes.

"Babe, I think we should wait until we move."

  I told her, she grinned.

"Ya, you're right."

She told me with a small laugh, I watched her lift one of my electric guitars off the wall, she took a seat on the arm of the couch and strummed lightly.

"You should teach me someday."

  She whispered with her eyes glued to the guitar that John Mayer had given me awhile back.


  I asked, actually a little bit surprised, she looked up and met my eyes.

"Ya silly, what did you think I wasn't interested in this kind of stuff?"

  She asked with a laugh gesturing towards the guitar, I chuckled and shook my head.

"I'd love to teach you."

  I told her, she grinned and strummed down a few more times before gently placing the guitar back onto the wall.

She wandered back over to me and took a seat at my side.

  She turned to face me and ran a hand through my thick hair, she grinned and leaned into kiss me softly.

"Did you know that I love you?"

  She whispered, I smiled and nodded.

"You have no clue how much I want to kiss you right now."

  I whispered stroking her cheek with the back of my hand.

"Then do it."

  She whispered, I slowly leaned in and kissed her for a long moment.

  Everything peaceful and quiet in the little place we called home, Leo the lion watched from the shelf beside the door, my nerves heightened as I realized how close the date was approaching.

Scarlett's 18th birthday.

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