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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟼

Sleeping wasnt too bad last night. But I did keep waking up because I had a lot of paranoia toward the things that might have been outside. When the sun came up, I heard a few voices from outside the truck. crows snooping the outside of the truck. In reaction of the voices, my head shot up to the sky. Instantly, my head bounced off the truck roughly, and I give a quick and painful exclamation. "Ah! Ow..." I rubbed my scalp with my palm. "Ow." Then, I saw no one else was in here.

Whem my eyes met the opening of the truck, Mikey peeked right in. "Hey, Osa!" He greeted. "How'd you sleep?"

Could have been better... "Uh, good, I guess." I replied.

"Cool. Leo says it's time to go." He raised an eyebrow ridge, noticing my odd behavior. "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah." I say, still rubbing my head.

"How's your leg?" He asked as I was beginning to crawl out of the truck.

"Slowly coming back." I answer, feeling the sunlight hit my face, blinding my eyes. It was chilly, too, but my body did what it knows; adjusting to it. "Morning," I stand up to feel my back crack like a glowstick.

"Good morning, Osita." Splinter says, standing next to Leo and his other brothers. They were gathering a few things from the truck and placed them into their backpacks. I'm assuming they found those packs inside the truck. "How did you sleep?" The rat asked.

"Good." I lied, getting to my feet and adjusting my old clothing. My leg still felt a little abnormal but I just needed to keep moving it to improve its physical activity.

Splinter nodded, taking my answer. He looks at his oldest son. "Leonardo, is it time to go?"

"Yeah." He nodded, throwing his pack on to his shell. We packed up everything; gun pieces, ammo, food, supplies." The leader spoke before Donnie.

"I got a map on my holograms to show us the way to Pennsylvania." The nerd said.

"We're just going there because it's safer?" I glance up at Donnie, his tall body blocking out the sunlight. His figure was dark when he stood in front of the massive light in the sky. He nodded to my question. "Okay, let's go then."

Leonardo led us up to the road, leaving the Tartaruga behind and thanking it for taking us this far out of the city. The sky above had the brightest white clouds and maybe some darker ones in the distance. The sun did its best to kiss every piece of land that hid under nature's creations. Just minutes into our travel, Donatello offered to let me lean on him since I hardly had any feeling in my leg. I refused and tried to be tough about it. On the inside, I felt weak when I was really meant to be rock hard on both sides. Inside and out.

The dry air we walked through made our noses turn bright red. Yeah, its defeitnly getting colder here. When I look in front of us to face the highway, I could see it was a never-ending path. If we walked farther would we even see what we'll approach? We could run into anything.

My feet and back ached so much that they were trying to fall asleep without even sitting in a certain position. I could avoid this by shifting, but I believe it won't make a difference. Four legs or wings, I'll still tire myself out.

This world isn't meant for any of us, it never was. We were sent down here to give the Word. Unfortunately, that was interrupted by some dumb scientist or a malfunction in nature. Every human that is trying to stay alive is a soldier in a war. War is the sea we swim in now.


The infected that roam all around this planet own it. They're in charge of who gets to die or live. Maybe it's just how we use our actions. Adding on, we're just living in this world we once called home, suffering every second of it while trying to pull through. Putting so much effort into this survival game... this is just a nightmare that you can never wake up from. Wanna go home? Try it.

No one is going to stop you from waking up.

Go ahead and pinch the back of your hand. No matter what you try, you'll never wake up from this. I had to learn that by getting hurt during the past four months.

Having to kill people you love once they turn, killing the living to survive. Sometimes it may make you feel like a murderer once you end someone's life and they begged to keep it, but the walking dead forces you to make these cruel decisions and I hate it.

I despatched my brother's dead body as my mother took her own to save me. No one is coming to help us. If there's a cure somewhere out there then the Health Organization is four months too late. If you've seen this, you might get an idea of how fast this infection spreads.

Its like... a ghost planet. We haven't seen anyone in a long time.

Thinking about this is just putting weights on my shoulders, and the tears won their escape by coming out of my eyes. My tail dragged along the asphalt with my head down, thinking I'll get somewhere faster that way.

"Hey." Donnie's voice got me to wipe my tears away. "What's wrong?" He put his green hand on my shoulder, gripping it gently. My heavy red eyes look up and see his hazel ones again, mixed with brown and yellow. Right away, he recognized that I was crying. "Hey, hey, hey." Don got down on one knee to come eye level with me.

I turned away from embarrasemt and Leo stopped the walk to ask what is going on. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just having a moment..." Donnie said. He tried to have a look at my emotional face. "Dry those tears."

I did so. "Why...?" I cover my pupils with my sleeves. "Why do you care, Don? You've only known me for about three days..."

"I know what you're going through. I understand." He paused. "Osa, you're in our group and we all have to look out for each other."

I shook my head, pulling my hands away. "No, you don't. You don't know what I'm going through." I walked away from Donnie to get ahead of the group and walk by myself. I think this whole apocalypse things hit me pretty hard and its taking a toll on me.

"What's up with her?" I heard Mikey ask, still holding his wounded shoulder. No one answered him, well all just continue to walk until we came up to a forest on both sides of the highway an hour later.

Donnie said that the woods extended to about five hundred miles and it most likely contained living animals that were suitable to eat. I was starving and canned food wasn't my craving at the moment. My wish was granted in less than a second, and I could smell its aroma. Out of the multiple scents in the air, I picked up one and focused on it. Right away, I dogded forward and followed the delicious smell of meat. Live meat is calling my name and I craved it.

And my leg suddenly got a burst of energy, too.

As I ran, I forgot about my group on the road, leaving them in great confusion. "Osa, come back!" Raphael's voice was very faint and grew quieter. Then, entering the trees to have the smell make me psychotic for it.

Oh, it felt great to shift again. My skin peeled back, two legs becoming four, and having half the conscience of this animal. Dark brown fur, mimicking the color of dark chocolate, and 2-inch-long claws digging into the earth. My eyes are the same colors as before while I ran thirty miles per hour and got the juicy scent trail filling my nostrils.

My grizzly bear.

I've got the meal in its place. When I thought it was the right to time attack, I came out from behind a thick tree and spotted a human-like figure in my way. Suddenly, something grazed the top of my back with a whoosh.

I roared softly and hid behind the closest tree, not knowing what I had seen. I'm sure it was a person... If it was, I'm the only one in the woods. We finally ran into another survivor and we don't know what they are capable of. My large front paws hold on to the tree while I listened for any kind of noise, hoping I wouldn't die here as the hunter's prey.

"Come out, little bear!" She called from somewhere in the forest, her voice bouncing off of the trees and reaching my ears. "I'll make you my fur coat!"

The guys need to get over here now.




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