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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟼
𝐎𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

The gun was still hidden under the plush pillow I lay on every night. I'm debating if I should put it back into Donnie's bag... But I really want to show Leo that I am capable of handling a serious weapon. We need the protection and the skill!

I brought myself into this guilt and I need to get myself out of it.

Sh*t! I'm flip-flopping...

I remember Donnie saying Leo won't give me a gun or my knife because of a few minor temper and trust issues.

But today, the nine of us ate the rest of the deer meat from our previous hunt. Sometimes we overthink about starving and gobble down all the food we can. And all thanks to our stomachs, it was time for us to find another deer to bring back.

And lucky day...Leonardo chose Donnie and me to come with him. I just hope I don't get caught with a gun hiding under my shirt.

As a leader, Leo is protective of his people and that's good! I just hope that if I have enough bravery and courage, something terrible will happen and I will end up saving him or Donnie. In the end, I'll end up proving myself to the leader.

We marched through the two-inch blanket of snow on the ground, so nippy and cautious of the hidden ice. This was the first time I have been outside since Donnie and I were rescued from the frozen lake. I walked beside the two brothers as they still amaze me with how tall they were, strong and smart...

The forest was now full of infected, roaming, and moaning as they waited for the living to approach them so they can get a fresh meal.

I have almost forgotten, but we named the infected people so we could identify their type. Small herds of Walkers were by us, and it's very rare to see a Stalker.

If I am right, the infection must mutate inside the host in order to 'upgrade' the infected type. Whether that is a Walker, Stalker, or something else...

Anyways, Leo said I could be the one to hunt for them because I do have abilities that no one else has.

I chose the form of a wolf because these animals are fast, strong, and stealthy in the snow. Luckily, whenever I shift, all clothes disappear, including the merchandise I carry.

Being about twenty minutes into the short hunting trip, Leo stops me and Donnie. He points ahead of us and smiled at the view we had. "We're in luck." He said, dropping his hand to the side.

The single creature was making its way into the middle of the road, scavenging on the last few good twigs and leaves. It had a stunning shade of brown with a white belly and hot blood flowing inside its body. I lick my fuzzy muzzle.

"Keep a close eye on it," Leo said as crows bloomed out of the trees closer to us, calling and vanishing into the sky.

We watched the deer trot lightly into the forest, and I followed behind it as Donnie and Leo trail behind me.

"Don't wander too far," Donnie told me.

"Of course," I reply, following the deer's fresh and meaty scent.


The day was still young, and so was the time.

Donnie and Leo were far behind me and I went off on my own to track the deer. The thought of the gun crossed my mind many, many times, and the voices yelling in my head. I could either hear Leo or Donnie's voice yelling that I never should have taken it.

I shook my shaggy head of thick fur to distract me and worry about it later. Right now, we have a deer to kill and bring back to the prison.

The animal's scent was still fresh, leaving a misty figure of its body. I see it was very direct. I thought I was alone-- alone to hunt with two mutant turtles, but someone else was in the area. I could smell that this person was young, afraid, and had a minor body odor issue.

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