Chapter 1 // Best Friends And Crushes

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*Chelsea's POV*
"CHELSEA MICHEALS" I jerk my head off my school desk
"Sorry sir" I say trying to keep my eyes open
"Maybe you should stop texting all night long then you won't be so tired for school" he frowns and continues to teach the class as I give him a weak smile. I turn to look at my two best friends as the are giggling, I playfully role my eyes at them and continue my beauty sleep.

*lunch time*
"Lily look, there is Ethan." I say pointing to her crush
"Ugh he's just so freaking adorable" she says starring at him
"He's coming over!" Jenny nudges lily
"Shit! How do I look?" She turns to us while fixing her hair
"Gurllll hot af" Jenny replies
"How are you ladies doing?" Ethan says sitting down at our table with his best friend Chris sitting down beside him.
"Good" Lily replies smiling
"That's good. So see you in next class lily" he says standing up
"Save me a seat" he says smirking and walks away
Lily is trying not to hyperventilate by what just happened

*Next day*
'Shit I'm late' I think to myself as I run down the hallway trying to reach my classroom.
I fall to the floor.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I hear a deep voice say, I open my eyes to see a boy offering me his hand, I grab it and he helps me up.
"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't be running" I say brushing myself off, I look up and I am faced with a gorgeous boy with brown hair and dreamy eyes.
"I'm Jakob. I'm new here, I just started today" he says breaking the silence
"I- I'm Chelsea" I stutter
"Well it was nice to meet you Chelsea, you wouldn't happen to know where the locker 162 is would you?"
"Yeah I do, I'll walk you" I smile at him and he smiles back.
We walk for about 2 minutes until we reach locker 162.
"Here it is" I say tapping his locker
"Thank you so much Chelsea" he smiles
"My friend Jenny, her locker is 2 away from yours, she nice and easy to talk to so if you need to ask her something feel free to" I say walking away because I'm extremely late for class
"And where is your locker? You know just in case I need a friend" he looks at me with those dreamy eyes
"Mine is number 158, not far from here, just turn the corner and it's there" he smiles and nods, I smile back and return to getting to class.

"Ahh Miss Micheals, so nice of you to show up" Mr Linch says not bothering to look up from his notes.
"Sorry Sir, I was showing a new kid where his locker was" I enter the classroom and take my seat next to Chris
"Very well then, but this will be the last time I accept you being late to my class"
"Yes sir" I pull out my notes
"Where the hell have you been" Chris asks, Chris and I have been friends every since preschool, he is like a brother to me and I can tell him everything.
"I bumped into a new kid and I showed him his locker. God he was hot"
"Ooo someone's in love" he says holding the 'v'
"No, I don't believe in love at first sight, maybe love at second sight, but not first" Chris chuckles at how stupid I am and continues to do his work like the good boy he is.

*lunch time*
I rush to my locker and put my books away, I slam my locker shut and turn the corner to go meet my best friends
Again? Really? Twice in one day. I get up and brush myself off
"We need to stop meeting like this" I look up and see Jakob fixing his hair
"I'm sorry I'm just so clumsy" I giggle
"Is it cool if I hang out with you today since I'm new and all I don't know anyone"
"Hmmm, follow me" he looks at me with concern
I walk up to Chris and Ethan while they are still at their lockers chatting away
"Hello boys" they both turn around
"This is Jakob, he's new." They both look at him and introduce themselves
"So this is the hot guy you bumped into in the hall then?" Chris smirks at me, I hit him on the arm and my cheeks start to flush bright red
"Anyway, you two be nice to him" I say speed walking off to get myself out of that awkward situation.

*after school*
I meet Ethan at the front gates of the school.
"Ya ready?" He asks, I nod and we start walking home. Oh I forgot to mention, Ethan is my step brother. It's awesome, it's like living with your best friend.
"So, um do you think I have a shot with lily?" He asks nervously
"Absolutely, you are legit all she talks about" he blushes
"Really?" I nob and smile at him
"Jakob is a nice guy, I've invited him and Chris over tonight" I look at him with my eyes wide open
"Tonight? What time?" I ask worried
"In about 20 minutes" he replies, I then start to run home Ethan starts running as well
"Why are you running?" He shouts as he tries to keep up with me
"I need to look good for Jakob!!" I shout back
"You look fine" he loses breath
"I look like a fresh cow turd, I'll meet you at home" I shout as I lose him because he stopped to catch his breath

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