Chapter 18 // Strange Day

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*Ethan's POV*
I was laying on my bed when I heard a knock at the door, it out my phone down on my bedside table and run downstairs.
"Oh, hey babe" i swing open the door and see Lily with a massive bouquet of flowers and a basket of chocolate

"How is she? Is she okay? I feel so bad that I was getting tanned in Bali while she was in a coma. God I'm such a shit friend" she says angry with herself

"Lily, its okay. It wasn't your fault that you weren't here. And yes she's fine but she's at Jakob's" I say gesturing for her to come in

"Oh okay, well can you please give these to her and tell her that I'm extremely sorry that I wasn't there for her" she says

"I will. Did you want to stay? I have a free house" I reply, she nods and I pull her into a hug

"You hungry? I'll order some pizza" I say grabbing my phone and dialling Pizza Hut
"Ohh and get garlic bread!" She adds

I order the pizza, we decide to watch a movie before the pizza's arrive. She is cuddled up into my chest as my arms are wrapped around her to keep her warm.

Once the pizza arrives I hand the guy the money and we sit up at the table and talk about everything. We decided to prank call some people which was really funny. Lily is one of the funniest people I know, and her laugh is so adorable.

I love having moment like these with her, she makes me feel alive and she makes me feel like I have worth.

Once we finish watching movies and eating the pizza, she falls asleep on the couch. I carry her up bridal style up to my room and lay her on my bed, I change her into some of my clothes which are big on her, I pull the covers over her and I slide in next to her as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me.

I fall asleep faster when I'm with her because everything feels right when she is beside me.

>> next day
*Chelsea's POV*
I wake up with Jakob next to me, I didn't want to wake him up so I leave a note saying that I went home to get ready for school.

I wake home and see Lily leaving.
"Lily!" I yell out to her, she turns around and runs up to me. I embrace her in a hug as she asks how I'm feeling

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there Chelsea! I feel horrible" she says almost in tears

"Lily, honestly it's fine, it wasn't your fault that you weren't there" I say reassuringly

"That's exactly what Ethan said" she said laugh

"Well, great minds think alike" we say bye and I tell her that I'll se her at school.

Once I finish getting ready I walk out the front door to find Jakob leaning against the street light on his phone. We say hi and we walk to school together.

>> lunchtime
"So the year 10 formal is coming up soon" Lily says trying to drop hints to Ethan but Ethan just nods

"I heard Jenny is going with Daniel" she says turning to me

"Good on her. You know what they say, it's a nice thing to do to give your toys to the less fortunate" I say and Lily laughs

"Why would someone like Jakob date someone like Chelsea? I mean come on, he's totally hot and then she's just... her, nothing special about her" Holly the school's bitch walks past saying and she makes sure we can hear it as well

"Hey!" Jakob says standing up and walking over to her, Holly turns around and crosses her arms across her chest

"How rude can you be? I don't care if she isn't the 'hottest' girl ever, she doesn't have to be. The fact that you barely even know her, and you still had the audacity to say something like that about her. Other people might think that she is hot or cute or whatever you want to say, but you don't see her the way I do. I think she is perfect the way she is"

I watch as Jakob stands up for me to Holly, she just stands there with a blank face as she switches between looking at Jakob and I.

She says whatever and walks away with her army of skanks. Jakob comes up to me and I thank him by giving him a kiss

"Don't worry about her" he says looking deeply into my eyes

"I'm not even going to waste my breath on her" I reply, he smiles at me and we continue our conversation.

>> after school

I meet Jakob at the front of the school and we walk home hand in hand.

While we were walking home we past a group of girls that we all smirking and pointing at Jakob, I look at him and see a huge smirk plastered on his face, I frown at him but he didn't even seem to notice, at the back of the group there were 2 boys who were smirking at me and o be honest they were hot asf.

I smiled back at them and Jakob and I continued to walk home without a word spoken.

"Bye" I say as he drops me out the front of my house

"What, no hug or kiss? Not even gonna look at me?" He asks confused I turn around to face him

"Bye" I say again and open my front door

I walk past Ethan and he senses my annoyance, I give him a don't-even-bother-to-ask look as I walk up to my room.

I lay on my bed and think to myself for a while.

I've always been the jealous type and I'll tell you what, I fucking hate it. It leaves a pit at the bottom of your stomach and it makes your blood boil with anger.

I don't even know what I'm jealous about, all he did was smirk. But why did he even smirk at them? God he frustrates me sometimes with his actions.


I hear my phone go off on my bed-side table to I reach for it and grab it.

One new text message from: Chris😈

Chris😈: gurl I'm coming over with some ice-cream, I feel like you need to vent

Me: thanks Chris, how did you know?

Chris😈: I'm a magician. Shhh don't tell anyone though (;

I look at his text and laugh at his stupidness

Chris😈: I'll be there in 15. Ttyl, brb, tbh, idek, ily

He's a funny one.

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