Chapter 21 // Back Together?

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I help her up the stairs because she keeps on fumbling and tripping over herself. I take off her clothes and search through her cupboard to find her pj's I turn back around and see her taking off her bra and underwear.

"What? It's nothing you haven't seen before" she says

"Actually...I haven't, we never got that far" I reply staring at her perfect body, I turn away before I do anything because I know that she won't even remember because she's so drunk.

I find her pj's and help her put them on. I pull the covers over her and kiss her forehead and then leave.

"Can you stay?" I hear her sweet voice say from behind me

"I think it's best if you rest" I reply, I really want to stay, but she probably won't even remember any of this tomorrow

"Please. I really want you to stay" she says so innocently.

I nod and I climb in next to her, she turns to face my and she cuddles up to me, I pull her closer so her freezing body is up against me

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you too" she whispers back

God I miss this.

I miss her smile.

I miss her voice.

I miss her laugh.

I miss having these moments with her.

I miss everything about her.

>> next morning
I wake up with my arms still wrapped tightly around Chelsea's waist. I look down at her and tuck hair behind her ear that was covering her face. I always notice that she smiles while sleeping, it's adorable and I can't help but fall in love with her all over again.

I slowly get out of her bed trying not to wake her up. I grab my phone and head towards her door.

"Sneaking out before I notice Mr Delgado?" I turn around and see Chelsea is now wide awake. I avoid the question and walk towards her.

"How are you feeling?" I hand her a glass of water and 2 panadols

"Jakob, I was barely even drunk. I was just tipsy and faking most of it" I look at her with surprise

"So you remember everything that happened last night?" I ask and she nods in reply

"Are you mad?" She asks looking down

"No, not at all. I'm actually sort of relieved" I smile back at her

"I meant what I said last night" I add and she looks back up at me

"What did you say?" She asks

"I said that I love you" her face flushes and Rosie pink colour as she smiles and looks down

"And I meant what I said... that I love you too" she replies

A huge smile creeps across my face which causes her to smile. I jump on top of her for a hug which causes her to fall back onto her bed.

I look down at her as she is giggling and just stare at her gorgeous face.

"What?... why are you looking at me like that?" She asks letting out another little giggle

"You're just so perfect. I don't know what I ever did to deserve you" I respond

"You stuck by me and saw the best in me" she wraps her arms around the back of my neck and pulls me into a kiss that only lasted 6 seconds.

"Aww come on" I say wanting it to last longer

"Sorry babe, maybe another time" she says pushing me off her and walking out of her bedroom

"Where are you going?" I ask still laying on her bed, she peps her head around the corner of her door

"To make lemonade" she smiles

I get up and follow her to the kitchen.

*Chelsea's POV*
Jakob follows me down into the kitchen, I turn on my music and connect it to my portable speaker. We dance and sing around the kitchen for a good half an hour.

"Ouch" he says covering his eyes after looking at me

"Ugh Jakob not again, I get it, you think I'm hot" I laugh

"No, I squeezed lemon juice into my eye you spud" he says laughing back

"Oh" I say laughing at how stupid that must of made me look

"I thought I heard two love birds down here" Ethan says walking down the stairs

"So I'm guessing you two are back together" he adds

Jakob looks at me. He hasn't asked me, I give him an I-don't-know-why-are-you-looking-at-me? Look.

"Um, I don't think-" I cut Jakob off

"Yes. Yes we are" Jakob looks at me and smiles and I stick out my tongue at him, he attempts to grab it but he misses and I end yo biting his finger.

"Ow Chelsea. You animal" he says, I laugh and he gives me a death stare

"Say sorry" he demands, I shake my head in response

"Chelsea Octavia Michaels, say sorry" he says sounding like my mother

"Jakob Leo Delgado, I... am not sorry" I say and then run off

He chased me around the house for a few minutes before I quickly hid in my cupboard

I covered my mouth so he couldn't hear my loud breathing. I heard small footsteps quietly enter my room then slowly exit back out

I sigh in relief and slowly make my way out of the cupboard. I stand at the frame of my door and look either way to see if he was there

Once the coast was clear I quietly tiptoe down the stairs passing Ethan's door on the way. Before I could actually reach the stairs I left two strong arms pin my arms down and drag me into Ethan's room

"Gotcha!" He says devilishly

"Jakob! Let go, you're hurting me!" I say in pain

"Oh sorry baby" he says letting go, I smirk at him and attempt to run off but I don't go far because he pulls me back again

He gently throws me onto Ethan's bed and gets on top and pins me down so I can't move

"Where you gonna run to now Michaels?" He says grinning at me, I sigh in defeat

"That's what I thought" he says, soon after he starts tracing down my neck leaving soft kisses as he goes

"Um could you maybe not do that in MY room and on MY bed" Ethan says interrupting us

"This bed is reserved for lily" he says as we leave

"Gross Etho" I say screwing up my face playfully

"Oh don't act like your bed isn't reserved for Jakob" he argues back playing along

We walk back into my room and  Jakob continues what he started

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