Chapter 28 // Obvious Confession

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"Ugh no! He needs to cut his hair"

"Chris?.... of course" Lara ticks off his name from the list of boys she is going through

"Okay what about... Jethan?" (See what I did?)

"Omg yesss! He is so cute" she smiles and ticks his name

"Oh and don't forget my boyfriend Jakob!" I add

"Right, can't forget Jakey D" she winks at me and I shake my head

"We need to find you a man!" I say excitedly

"Well.. I have a man but he's not exactly mine"

"Omg! You are totally crushing on someone. Come on, spill the beans" I say looking at her intriguingly

"Okay well... he's um... well" she hesitates

"Lara. Come on you can tell me, I won't judge" I reassure her

"No that's not it, I know you won't judge me. I've just never told anyone before" I give her a look to say continue

"It's.... Chris" she blushes

My eyes widen and a huge smile slowly starts to spread across my face

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" I shout as I jump on her

"How did you know?"

"Lara come on its obvious! The way you look at him, the way you act around him, the way you could talk to him for hours"

"Is it really that noticeable?" She blushes

"No, I just am very observant" I giggle and so does she

"I have to get you two together. It's gonna be my life mission"

"I think you are forgetting something" I look at her in confusion

"..... his girlfriend Molly" I let out a groan as realisation hits that this is going to be harder than I thought

"It's okay, I'll talk to him. You'll get your man, don't worry" she smiles and pulls me into a hug

"Come on. Let's go get some KFC" she pulls me out of her room and rushes me out of the door.

>>> next day

*ring ring*

Omg it's Monday! I love Mondays!... said no one ever

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing

"Hello?" I say annoyed at whoever woke me up

"Jeez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"

"No, I just love being woken up by my bestest of best friend from my peaceful and comfortable sleep" I snap back

"I sense the sarcasm"

"Oh trust me Chris, there's heaps of it... now what do you want?"

"Well it's 7:30 and Jake and I are waiting out the front like every other school day" I glance over at the time and jump out of bed

"Shit." I hang up the phone and throw on the first thing I grab out of my closet not comprehending what it actually is.

I quickly brush through my hair and pull on my shoes. I rush down stairs, grab an Up&Go and run out the front door.

The way the boys look at me is like they are looking at a newly found species walking this planet. I look down at what I'm wearing and see the I have one Nike shoe on and on converse shoe on, jeans that are on the wrong way, my pyjama top that I didn't even change out of and hello kitty jumper that I kept from when I was younger.

"You look hot babe" Jakob jokes, I glare at him and walk back inside.

"Chelsea, we are gonna be la- oh my god" Ethan drops his bowl of cereal, I just look at him and continue to walk upstairs.

This is going to be a long day...

Loving Jakob Delgado // fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now