Chapter 29 // Chris's Untold Feelings

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Lily jumps from the bang of my locker

"Bad morning?" Lily asks

"Ya think? I mean just look at my hair! What even is this?" I say pointing to my hair

"Well, I mean it doesn't look that bad" she hesitates and I glare at her

"Okay fine, I'll admit it isn't one of your best Beyoncé moments but at least you look unique" she smiles in sweetly

"It's to early for cute smiles and inspirational happiness" she giggles and pulls me along to class


I walk into class and see Jakob and Ethan giggling away like two little girls. I look over at Lara and Chris to see that they are deep in conversation, I smile and take my usual seat behind Jakob.

"Hey gorgeous" he smiles sweetly at me

"Oh please, anything but gorgeous today" I fight back

"That's true. You are also beautiful, you are like a piece of artwork that I can't help but stare at longingly" I blush a bright shade of red as Jakob chuckles at my reaction

"Well Jakob Leo Delgado. Have you ever thought of becoming a poet because that was purely amazing" Mrs Clarke my English teacher says as she places her stuff on her desk

"No I haven't Mrs, but I do enjoy writing songs" he flashes her his signature cheeky smile and turns back to wink at me

She starts the lesson and we are all copying the notes from the board down into our books when I feel something hit the back off my head.

I glance up but I choose to ignore it and continue working. A few seconds later something hits the back of my head again.

I jerk around and see Daniel trying to get my attention.

He holds up a sign that reads

'I know you hate me but... Will you go with me to the formal?'

I frown at his attempt of being nice. I turn back around a quickly write something on a piece of paper.

I turn back around and hold it up.

'You're right, I do hate you. So why would I go with someone I hate?'

He scribbles something down on his bit of paper and holds it up

'Fine you salty bitch'

There's the Daniel I know. I glare at him and give him the finger before turning around and continuing work.

>>>> lunch

"Anyone been asked to formal yet?" I ask the girls, Lara shakes her head

"Yeah Ethan asked me like 2 weeks ago" Lily says smiling

"Awe cute!" Lara pouts

"I really want Chris to ask me, but I think he is taking Molly" she sinks back in her seat

"But she doesn't go to our school and the rules are is the you have to ask someone from your school" I reassure her but she just shrugs her shoulders

I huff and stand up from my seat.

"Chelsea..." Lara starts as I make my way over to Chris

"Chelsea! What are you doing? Get back here" he whisper/shouts

I take a seat next to Chris as all the boys look at me confused

"Please, Chelsea take a seat" Daniel says sarcastically

"Who are you taking to the formal?" I ask Chris while ignoring what Daniel said

"Umm, I'm not sure yet... why?" He frowns

"Great! So why don't you ask your bestest of best friends to go with you" I hint over to Lara

"I'm pretty sure jake is gonna ask you chels" Chris replies not getting my hint, I facepalm and huff

"Not me you idiot... Lara!" I say turning his head to face her, she notices him looking and gives an awkward wave

"Oh um... I'm not sure chels" he hesitates

"Well why not? It's obvious you two have a little something going on" I nudge him. He gets up and pulls me along with him

"Chris! Where are we- ouch Chris you're hurting my arm" he drags me into the corner of the school yard

"I'm too scared to!" He blurts out

"It's not that hard Chris"

"Yes it is Chelsea!! God what am I going to tell Molly?" He looks to the ground

"Tell Molly what?" I ask, he looks up at me and bites his nails

"Chris! What are you not telling Molly and me?" I cross my arms

"I, um... well, I- I, I kind, sorta, maybe, really like Lara" he turns bright red

"Okay well why are you telling me? Go tell her!!"

"No, you don't get it... I can't. Molly and I's 4 month anniversary is coming up and she'll be heart broken"

"I can tell you right now Christopher. She'll be more heartbroken when you do break up with her and you tell her that you have liked someone else for most of the time that you two have been together... so tell her now before you dig yourself in a deeper hole" he looks at me, then over at Lara

He takes in a deep breathe and starts walking fast over to her

"Chris!" I shout, he stops and turns around

"Don't run, you'll scare the poor girl. Walk normally" he nods his head and reply and starts walking normally over to her.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I ask Lily nervously

"Probably you" she winks at me and my face blushes a bright shade of crimson

"You really like him, don't you?" She asks and I nod in reply

"Lara, don't freak out but he's coming over" my eyes widen and I quickly fix my hair and keep my eyes on Lily so I don't turn around

"Hey! How are we today ladies" he seems so confident, where is the shy Chris that I know and love?

"Good thanks" lily replies

"Yeah I'm good, what's up lanzon?" I say trying to act normal

"Can I talk to you for a minute please?" He asks now getting a little bit shy, I nod in reply and follow him onto the oval where we can talk.

What's he going to say? Shit I'm so nervous.

Hey everyone I hope you like this chapter, I'm going to try and update more but since school is coming up soon I might only update once a month!!

I'll see how it goes but I hope you're enjoying the book so far!!


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