"Room 2 -A is Haunted!?"

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Heyyyy.....Had nothing to do so yeah gonna write a story that came out of my mind randomly.....

here goes nothing....


It was a normal day in Namimori Chuu. Same subjects, same teachers, and same classmates. All were having a normal class and some were slacking off. Some were dozzing off and some were focused on their class or lesson for today.

Tsuna was staring at the sky from the window not even caring of what was their lesson until his Self- proclaimed elite teacher yelled his name...

"Dame- Tsuna! Answer this equation!" nezu-sensei yelled startling Tsuna and making a Silverette yell "Oi! You damn Teacher Dont you call Jyuudaime a DAME Or I'll blow you up!!" and making a ravenette baseball guy glare saying " Nezu-sensei~ What did you say?~" with a smirk plastered in his face...

"N-Nothing, S-Sawada answer the following equation now..." Nezu-sensei said pointing at Tsuna. "Uhhh..X= 4???" Tsuna said then Nezu was about to yell when...
"What!? Were you not listening a-!"


Then all the students turned at the door that is opening and closing by itself. "Nah, it's just the wind.." A student said earning a 'Yeah...' and 'oohhs' inside the classroom. Then it all stoped when the door kept doing it and then it stoped..

"I-It stoped.." Kyoko said...
"Yeah it stoped..." Another classmate of Tsuna said approaching the door and was about to open it when..
"I-Its locked..." he said then all of a sudden, The whole class yelled "WHAT!!? IT'S LOCKED!?"

"Where is Nezu-Sensei?" A random boy asked.."Tch...Brats I'm here but BYE....." Nezu-sensei said and  jumped of the window...

"The heck!?" Kaito yelled (OC of mine) "Nezu-sensei!!!?" Yamamoto yelled..

They all looked at the window only to find that Nezu-sensei wasnt there..

Tsuna was calm all along then one of his classmates were curious..." Oi, Dame-Tsuna, how come you're not scared?"  Tsuna was just looking at the boy who asked him then looked at the door that was moving minutes ago. "Jyuudaime , is there something wrong?" Gokudera asked Tsuna because of Tsuna's serious face.

Tsuna's POV

'Somethings not right....That thing was just a illusion then Nezu-sensei cant possibly jump through the window from the 3rd floor....Then meaning to say, Nezu- Sensei was just an illusion to!'

And my hyper intuition is reacting so hard! Something really is about to happen...

"Tch, Hayato, Takeshi, Those odd things that happened a while ago were just illusions..." I told them both.
"Illusions? But it looked real!" Takeshi said...

"But still were all trapped, somebody really planned for all of this...Hayato, Break the door with your bombs.."
I told Hayato..
"Yes, Jyuudaime!" Hayato yelled pulling out a lot of bombs and lighting them up...
"Oi, Gokudera-kun , what do you think you're doing?!" Kaito yelled while staring at those bombs..
"Che!" Hayato ignored him then run towards the locked door...
"Teme!, Get OUT OF THE WAY!!!" Hayato yelled then....


There was a loud explosion...

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!!?" Other boys yelled while the girls
"AHHHHHH!!!!!! WHATS HAPPENING!!!!?" High pitched voices yelled.....

There was smoke everywhere, but after the smoke cleared off...Nothing changed the door was still good as new not even a scratch was seen...

"WHAT!!?" Hayato yelled in disbelief.
Takeshi just widden his eyes..
'It didnt work?'

"I'm S-S-S-Sorry Jyuudaime!!!! I'll commit suicide this instant!!" Hayato yelled and was about to KILL himself.
"Hayato!!! It's fine!" I yelled and lost my cool then suddenly the bell rang...


"Please evacuate the school this instant!! I repeat please evacuate the school this instant!"

That was when the speaker warned us and told us to evacuate but we are trapped here...

"AHHHH!!!! WERE TRAP!!!! WERE GONNA DIEEE!!!!" My classmates started panicking and yelling until I snapped out.....


I snaped then all of them shut up...
"J-Jyuudaime..." Hayato said with nervousness...."T-Tsuna..." Takeshi followed....

"Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko said....
"Bossu??" Chrome asked...
"Sawada..." Hannah spoke....

Third Person of View

After Tsuna snaped , the class went damn silent until mochida suddenly yelled "Oi! Dame-Tsuna how dare you yell or tell us what to do! You're just a freak!! And you will always be a Dame!" earning 'Yeahs' and 'hah! Dame as always..' inside the classroom...

Then Tsuna just stood up and faced mochida and his minnions..."It is better not to panick and yell , we should plan and think of a survival plan..."

Tsuna's guardians smirked...
"Jyuudaime is right!! As expected from the tenth!" Gokudera yelled loudly....
"Yeah! Tsuna is right!" Yamamoto yelled...
"Oi! Baseball freak dont you act closely on Jyuudaime!" Gokudera yelled angrily..."Maa-maa Haya-chan! calm down...hehe!" Yamamoto smiled at him...
"Shut the fuck up! Yakyu-Baka! And dont call me HAYA-CHAN OR ELSE I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OUT..." Gokudera glared at Yamamoto...

"Hayato, language please.." Tsuna said..
"S-Soryy jyuudaime..." Gokudera said...
"Back to the topic, We all should get out of here.. I had this feeling that somethings about to happen.." Tsuna said...
"What do you mean by that Sawada-kun ?" Kaito asked...
"I can tell if there is trouble..." Tsuna explained..

"What!? Stop joking around Dame-Tsuna!" Mochida yelled again...
Tsuna glared at him and "How the fuck can I explain properly if you just interupt when I'm explaining? and btw, If you dont want to listen then dont. Im not forcing you..Just do what you want."  Tsuna said releasing a lot of KI...

"Okay, for the sake of us, Lets have a vote...Both leader will say their own opinion..." Yamamoto yelled....

"Okay, Let's start! Who votes for Mochida!?" Kaito yelled and half of the class raised their hand excluding Kyoko, Hannah, Chrome, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Tsuna, and Kaito....

Mochida smirked....
"Heh! Looks like I'll be the leader!" Mochida yelled loudly and proudly..
"Wait...We dont want to group with that monkey just go with that Monkey and follow him...Me and the others will follow Sawada.." Hannah said seriously...

"I'll be going with Jyuudaime!" Gokudera yelled...
"I'll go with Tsuna!" Yamamoto yelled.....
"Me too!!" Kaito, And Kyoko yelled..
"I'll come with bossu..." Chrome said.

"Heh! Fine do what you want!" Mochida yelled...
"In the end you'll just follow me..."
He added then walked away from Tsuna's little group...

To be continued.....


Yehey!!!! First Fanfic of mine!!

Kaito Segami (Made up Character)

Hair Color: Blue
Eye color: Grey
Gender: Male
Age: 14

Hope you liked this crappy story of mine!! See you on the next Chapter!!!

BTW please tell me if I should continue this...And not if it is too crappy....

Ja nee~

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