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"I had no time for this already!!" Yelled the hitman loudly...

"Ohhh???~ Is Mr. Hitman already worried??~" Asked the man with a scythe..
"You Bastard.." Hibari said while glaring at the man..
"Hohoho~ Calm down...Why won't you all just die easily so that the Beneventi Family will be number one!" Yelled the man...
"Beneventi??" Asked Hibari...
"Yes the Beneventi!" Yelled the man again.
"So your from that filthy Family that set bombs and explosives in different Cities to make others think that they are strong." Reborn said glaring at the man...

"Why yes, Reborn-kun~ You've got it right~" Said the man teasingly....

"Sir! We've got Vongola Decimo already!" Yelled a certain man running by to his side...

"What!? Already!? Well done!!!" Yelled the man with a smirk..

Hibari and Reborn widden his eyes...
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Hibari asked...He may not show it but he deeply cares for his sky....


"Tch!" Reborn said then started shooting him but he dodge....

"Now got a boss to torture~ bye ~" he said then smoke filled their area and then when the smoke went away, they were gone...

"DAMN!" Reborn yelled punching the wall and the wall cracked a bit...

"Go find the others Hibari!" Yelled Reborn and Hibari nodded looking for Gokudera and Yamamoto...

'Tsk. Tsuna, I told you to always be careful..' Reborn thought and went out to find clues...


Ryohei and Tsuna's classmates successfully escaped and went out from the hell like school..

"Go home and be alert always...Dont tell anyone what happened here." Ryohei said in an extremely calm tone..

"Onii-chan..../Sasagawa-kun..." Kyoko akd Hana said knowing that Ryohei was worried for his friends inside...

"You two also...Go home and stay safe..Call me right away if anything happens wrong." Said Ryohei then the ywo nodded and head off...

Ryohei sighed and looked at the two figures that went oit of the school...

"Mukuro! Chrome!" Ryohei yelled...

"Ryohei-kun.." Chrome said...

"What happened?" Ryohei asked the two...
"They suddenly disappeared..." Mukuro said...
"Are you sure there arent left in the school?" Ryohei asked...."We are 100 % sure..." Chrome said...

"Where is Sawada??" Ryohei asked amd the three of them went in and saw two lying figures on the floor...

"GOKUDERA!? YAMAMOTO!?" Ryohei yelled...Chrome just gasp while Mukuro widden his eyes...

"Tsk...This is bad..." Mukuro said picking up Yamamoto while Ryohei picked Gokudera and carried them to the infirmary....

On their way to the infirmary, they saw Hibari...

"Hibari!! help here!!" Yelled Ryohei and the said skylark looked to them and went towards them...

"This need medical treatment...In the hospital.." Hibari said and the four of them nodded and headed outside carrying the two unconscious person.

On their way they suddenly bumped into Haru...
"HAHI!?" Haru said...
"H-Hibari?! Chrome-chan?! Mukuro-kun!? Ryohei-San?!" Haru yelled...

"W-what happened!!!?" Haru looking at the two...
"We were attacked..." Mukuro said while frowning...
"That's explains why you all disappeared for a week..." Hari said and went with them to the hospital..

The Accident at Classroom 2-A Namimori Middle SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now